Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Knucklaus Mon Aug 28, 2023 9:37 pm
Attn : Dear ,

I’m United Nation Eco-was Diplomat Mr.John Brown, I have received your email which stated that you want to receive this your funds which is total of Us$4.5M here by Bank to Bank Wire Transfer direct into your Bank Account and i want you to send your Bank Details where this your funds will transfer to you such as your full name, current address, copy of your ID CARD and your bank details so that tomorrow i will deposit the funds to the Bank here to transfer the funds to you immediately.

Again, I am here to inform you that it will cost you Us$750.00 only to use obtain all the papers and documents that will back this your funds to transfer to you successful and i will give you bank account where you will send it immediately i receive this your information requested above and you will receive all the funds into your bank account under 72hours you send this fee of Us$750.00 only to transfer all the funds to your account at once.

Best Regards ,
Dip. John Brown .
Diplomatic Agent .
Email : [email protected] .
Tell : +1 347 305 5976.

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