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by buried under 419s Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:09 am
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major james salinas ( [email protected] ) has sent you a message from MLB.com.

Hello, My name is Major James Salinas, I am an American soldier in peace keeping force in Iraq, I am serving in the military of the 1st Armoured Division in Iraq, as you know insurgents everyday and car bombs are attacking us. We managed to move funds belonging to Saddam Hussein's family. The total amount is (US$ 23 Million dollars) in cash. We want to move this money to you, as you know this war have almost come to the end so that you will keep our share for us till when we come over to meet you.We will take 70%, my partner and I. You take 30%. No strings attached, just help us move this money out of Iraq, Iraq is a war zone. We plan on using diplomatic courier to shipping the money with three large silver boxes, with diplomatic immunity. If you are interested I look forward to hearing from you for more details if you are willing andable to handle this. please contact me through this E-mail Address;( [email protected] )Respectfully,Major James Salinas. ( [email protected] )

Gibson revs up D-backs after first ejection
April 13th, 2011
Steve Gilbert / MLB.com

It took Kirk Gibson until his 93rd game as manager to be ejected, and he certainly made it memorable.

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