Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Wiljames Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:27 pm
from: Mrs Medinat Abudul Malik Sherrif [email protected]
date: Sep 29, 2023
subject: Urgent response.

With due respect and honor, I am privileged to write to you in
reference to the above-mentioned subject. My Name is Mrs. Medinat
Abudul Malik Sherrif, I am under medical supervision for over some
months now, I have a brain tumor. From all indication my condition is
really deteriorating, my doctor just informed me that my days are
numbered because of my health will increasingly degrading.

My marital status is such that I'm single because unfortunately I
lost my husband with my only daughters on 28th of march year 2020 on
Covid-19 corona-virus disease, I have no one to whom to leave my
legacy, I have a large sum of Two million Dollars, that I want to make
available to you, So that you can be a help for good will to help
the orphanages including the widows and widowers and children in
difficult. I count on your goodwill and especially the proper use of
these funds, I am waiting for your urgent respond, to enable me to put
you in contact with my bank manager for immediately transfer of this
funds into your nominated account. Pending for the confirmation
message of your approval and your ability to work for the Glory of
Almighty God.

Yours Sister
Mrs. Medinat Abdul Malik Sherrif

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