Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Clive Wire Wed Oct 18, 2023 7:39 am
From: Capt. Jones Williams <[email protected]>
Reply to: [email protected]
Other email: [email protected]
Subject: Attn:Beneficiary

Attn: Beneficiary

We received an instruction from our sister bank, the Industrial and
Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), China to pay you the sum of Two
Million, Forty Five Thousand Euros Only (€2,045,000.00),which is
classified as your outstanding principal amount and 0.001% accrued

For further inquiries and clarification on your payment, please
contact your assigned transaction manager, Ms. Annmaria dirderik via her
direct e-mail: [email protected] with your details, including your telephone number.


Hans van Kluvert |Relationship Management|
International Remittance Department|BBVA|
Private Banking Department/
General Ledger Department (GLD)
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Email: [email protected]
9.00AM - 5.00PM (Mondays-Saturday)
waarschuwing: de inhoud van deze e-mail is vertrouwelijk en alleen
bedoeld voor de ontvanger die in het bericht wordt vermeld. Het is ten
strengste verboden om enig deel van dit bericht met derden te delen
zonder de schriftelijke toestemming van de afzender. Als u dit bericht
ten onrechte heeft ontvangen, beantwoordt u dit bericht en volgt u het
bericht zodat we kunnen voorkomen dat een dergelijke fout zich in de
toekomst voordoet.

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