by Wiljames
Thu Nov 02, 2023 5:09 pm
from: ubs [email protected]
reply-to: [email protected]
date: Nov 2, 2023
subject: business deal
reply-to: [email protected]
date: Nov 2, 2023
subject: business deal
Hello this is to inform you that I have made all the process to transfer this funds of US$13.4 million to your position or do you want me to open an online account with my bank here in your name and I have paid all the necessary payment the only payment is needed from you now to complete for me to make the wire transfer directly to your account so that we can share the money 50% 50% is only the registration fee for the money to be in your name for the wire transfer because I cannot use my name and claim the funds because I work in this bank they will not allow me to claim the funds with my name so please is just only $300 kindly get back to me so that I can send you the payment details to send it through bitcoin or through bank account waiting for your urgent response right now before it's too late for me to process this funds to your position thank you for your cooperation and your understanding.
Best Regards,
Mrs. Randi Blicher
call telephone/ WhatsApp: +44 745 127 7012