Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Link Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:55 pm
John Glover
[email protected]
[email protected]

Reply-To: [email protected]
From: John Robert Jr <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 01:15:11 +0100
Subject: GOOD NEWS
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Hello Dear,

I am Mr.John Glover, a diplomat assigned by the United Nations
Compensation Award Committee to deliver an approved fund of
$11,500,000.00 in an ATM Card to you. I am writing to you to send
me your below information so that I make sure I don't deliver it to
wrong person.


Please don't hesitate to email me the above-requested information,
I will deliver your fund in the ATM Card to you. The backup papers
to prove that the ATM Card is in no way related to drugs or
terrorism are intact. I will move to your address today with your
ATM Card immediately you get back to me.

Yours faithfully,

Mr.John Glover

If you're here because you received the same email as what I posted and you're wondering if it's a scam...YES, it's a scam

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