by Wiljames
Sat Dec 09, 2023 3:00 am
from: Davis Phillips [email protected]
reply-to: [email protected]
date: Nov 22, 2023
subject: Re,Attn.
reply-to: [email protected]
date: Nov 22, 2023
subject: Re,Attn.
199 Bay Street, Suite 4000,
Commerce Court West Toronto, Ontario M5L 1A9, Canada
Tel: +1 (416) 276-3932,
My name is Davis Phillips, a legal practitioner at Philips & Whitney LLP law firm. It may surprise you to receive this letter from me, since there has been no previous correspondence between us, but your last name and your nationality prompted me to contact you.There is an unclaimed “permanent life insurance policy” insured for Eight Million Nine Hundred and Seventy Thousand Dollars ($8,970,000.00) with a reputable Bank in Canada.The policy holder was one of our clients, Ms. Hilary Hangman who worked with Energy Company in Toronto Canada.She died in an accident on Highway 401 by Orville Montreal Quebec Canada, six years ago since her death no one has come forward for the claim and all our efforts to locate her relatives,have proved unsuccessful.
The insurance company code stipulates that insured permanent policies “not claimed” must be turned over to the abandoned property division of the state after seven years.Therefore I ask for your consent to be in partnership with me for the claim of this policy benefit, in view of the fact that you share the same last name and nationality with the deceased. If you permit me to add your name to the policy, all proceeds will be processed on your behalf.I wish to point out that I want 10% of this money to be shared among charity organizations while the remaining 90% will be shared between us. This is 100% risk free, I do have all necessary documentation to expedite the process in a highly professional and confidential manner. I will provide all the relevant documents to substantiate your claim as the beneficiary. This claim requires a high level of confidentiality and it may take a few business days from the date of receipt of your consent.
Please contact me via email: [email protected]
Your earliest response to this matter would be highly appreciated.
Davis Phillips