Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Clive Wire Fri Jan 19, 2024 4:02 pm
From: Ben Ante <[email protected]>
Other email: [email protected]
To: Undisclosed Recipients
Subject: FINAL NOTICE From USA Supreme Court of justice.

Good Day Dear

I'm (Mrs Sonia Sotomayor ) from the US Supreme Court of justice, I'm here
to know if I will get a reply from you so that I will know what to do, Your Funds worth sum of $100,500,000.00 Million USD Was brought to my desk for cancellation so I'm texting you just because of the kind of person I am that's why I'm texting you for the last time The fact is that Our government told me to cancel the funds and confiscated it into our government account but am having much feelings to text you first if you are still willing to receive it then I will work everything out for you and get the package mailed to your home address. So I will wait for your response from now till tomorrow morning then if I didn't get any response from you then I will signed it cancelled.
contact email:[email protected]

From USA Supreme Court of justice
Mrs Sonia sotomayor.

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