Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by maluu53 Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:21 pm
My name is Mark Larry, A British Citizen, I work as Chief Defense & security officer to the rebel leader General Laurent Nkunda in Congo, North Africa. I am in charge of the strong room warehouse and I have been working with him for twenty years as his personal assistant.
I am sure that you must have read about the war that is going on in the Republic of Congo; they are all fighting for the control of the mineral riches in the REPUBLIC OF CONGO. That war has resulted in an indiscriminate and uncontrolled removal of money mostly USD cash from Government treasuries for procurement of weapons for war prosecution out of greed, most of the funds, and gold they use for the war were deposited in the security companies in Ghana where there is relative peace, example. Ghana.
As I am writing you this letter, I am in Ghana right now, I cannot continue contributing to killing innocent people because more than 800,000 innocent people have been killed and the war is refreshing every day by day.
Please, with proper planning, careful handling, expediency and prayer, you and I can put our head together to plan how best we can get this nine metallic boxes contained huge quantity of gold and funds amount of $30 Million Dollars which has been deposited in Ghana, I am with all the documents issued by those security companies for the claim of the nine boxes of Gold Bars and the $30 Million Dollar.
Most of the consignment was deposited by me and one Col. Manu Batumbe Okai who has been killed in the last three weeks by ambush fighters, I lay all this information to you so that you can understand that there will be no problem at all, it is 100% risk free.
The procedure is very simple, If we agree on to be partnership in this deal then I will only need your urgent arrival here in Ghana, so that me and you can go and bring the boxes as i am the only living legend and other guy has died and General Laurent Nkunda think that i am going to acquire weapon for war, please your urgent response is very important.
If you think you can do this deal with me, suggest to me how you will propose for us to share the percentage upon conclusion. My concern is for the deal to go smoothly on your side.
I will give you more details when I get your response.
Waiting to hear from you soon, [email protected]
Yours Faithfully,
Mark Larry
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