Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Clive Wire Mon Apr 01, 2024 11:08 am
From: Penelope Roberson <[email protected]>
Other-email: <[email protected]>


Dear Beneficiary,

This mail is in correspondence to the instruction received from the International Police Public Relations Officer in respect of (Eric Thrower) having contacted you concerning the authentication release of your due compensation funds valued $5.350,000,00 (Five Million Three Hundred And Fifty Thousand United States Dollars) only.

So therefore you are advised to get back to me with the information below for a safe delivery of your parcel to your residential address to avoid any sorts of mistakes.

1. First Name:
2. Last Name:
3. Date Of Birth:
4. Sex:
5. Marital Status:
6. Residential Address:
7. City/State:
8. Zip Code:
9. Phone Number (For easy communication)
10. Profession:
11. Valid Identification Card

Meanwhile, you are to chose (1) of the below method you prefer to receive your funds

(1). Consignment Box: Your total due funds will be arranged in a BOX and get delivered to your doorstep

(2). Automated Teller Machine Card (ATM CARD): Your funds will be program inside an ATM Debit Card and will be delivered to you but won't be able to withdraw more than $10,000 daily

Meanwhile, you are to continue your communication with me through the Government Official Domain Account details below as it is secured and safe against the Internet Hoodlums.

[email protected]

I shall await to read from you with the requested information and also to enable us to program your funds for release according to your desired method.

Warmest Regards

Penelope Roberson
Delivery Payment Manager

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