Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Wiljames Fri Apr 12, 2024 11:41 pm
from: Andrew Leonard [email protected]
reply-to: [email protected]
date: Apr 4, 2024
subject: US$12.5Million ATM MasterCard Payment

Bank Address: 176 Water St New York, NY 10268, USA.
Tel: +1(646) 838-0882

US$12.5Million ATM MasterCard Payment

Attn: Fund Beneficiary,

I am Mr. Andrew Leonard, the new ATM Head of Operation Dept, Citibank, New York USA. I resummed to this office on the 16th of last month and during my official research last week I discovered an abandoned ATM MasterCard valued US$12.5Million with card number (5384 9464 4618 4540) belonging to you as the legitimate beneficiary, and from all indication it has been confirmed that this fund is as a result of your inheritance payment from West Africa.

I had to carry out an investigation to know the reason why this card has not been released to you up till now and I found out that the formal ATM head of operation who left this office two months ago with-held your card for his own personal use but unluckily for him I do not support injustice, and as the new ATM Head of Operation, I assure you that I will release your ATM MasterCard to you.

Now that your ATM MasterCard is still available and your fund of US$12.5Million still intact, I want to know how you wish to receive your card along with your 4 digits pin code. You can come down here to our bank to pick up your card directly from my office or alternatively, you can use the service of a registered courier delivery company to deliver your card to you and you will take care of the courier fee.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks for your cooperation and understanding. We will serve you better.

Yours Faithfully,

Mr. Andrew Leonard
ATM Head of Operation Dept,
Bank Address: 176 Water St New York, NY 10268, USA.
Tel: +1(646) 838-0882

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