Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Link Wed Apr 17, 2024 5:30 pm
[email protected]
[email protected]

From: "Mr. Jacob J. Lew" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 16:31:56 +0100

Subject: Transfer
To: xxx@x .com

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Jacob J. Lew, and I am a former Head of Operations at the Finance and Account Department of QatarEnergy (Qatar Petroleum). I am reaching out to discuss potential investment opportunities totaling $10,000,000.00 USD in your country.
I am seeking your assistance and cooperation to facilitate the transfer of these funds into your account, with the intention of designating it as a Contract Payment in association with Qatar Petroleum. The purpose is to proceed with onward investments in your country.
Could you please confirm your ability and willingness to handle this matter? If you are unable to do so, kindly refrain from disclosing this information to any other person. I trust that we can maintain confidentiality throughout this transaction.

I look forward to your prompt response.

Kind regards,

Mr. Jacob J. Lew
Former Head of Finance and Account Department
QatarEnergy (Qatar Petroleum)

Follow-up email from the scammer

I appreciate your willingness to assist me in the movement and investment of funds. As the Former Head of Operations at the Finance and Account Department of Qatar Energy (formerly Qatar Petroleum), I possess the necessary license and documents. I will send them to you for your personal review while emphasizing the importance of keeping the information confidential.
Regrettably, my present predicament hinders me from executing the planned investment due to a terminal illness. The doctor has given me a short time to live. Therefore, I am reaching out to you for your support.

The sum of $10 million is intended to be transferred to your bank account as a Contract Payment with Qatar Energy for subsequent investment in your country. Our goal is to use a portion of these funds for charitable contributions to orphanages in your country and around the world. During this transaction, we will need to negotiate the percentage ratio that best suits both parties to ensure your profitability with your cooperation and sincerity.
Given my current condition, I am unable to handle the logistics personally. To proceed, I kindly request you to provide the following information: a valid copy of your ID or driver's license, full name, address, next of kin details, company name, office address, and phone number.

Your swift response is highly appreciated as we navigate through this process.

Kind regards,

Jacob J. Lew
Finance and Account Department
Qatar Energy (formerly Qatar Petroleum)

Third email from the scammer
Dear Beloved,
Your email is received and I am writing to follow up on my previous email regarding a matter of utmost importance. Due to my current health condition, I regret to inform you that I am unable to pursue my project as planned. I had hoped to invest the funds in a crude oil business, but unfortunately, that is no longer feasible.
I have chosen to entrust you with the responsibility of overseeing this project on my behalf. I believe that your reputation for being educated, honest, and creative makes you the perfect candidate for this task.

I kindly request that you work with the bank to transfer the sum of USD 10,000,000.00 to your bank account. As per our previous agreement, the funds will be distributed according to a share ratio of 60% for investment, 30% for you, and 10% for charitable donations to orphanages.
To facilitate this process, I have already instructed my attorney, Steven G. York, Esq., to prepare a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which will outline the terms of our agreement.

Please find his contact information below:

Steven G. York Esq.
E-mail: [email protected]
Senior Attorney
StevenG Law Chamber LLC

I have attached documents related to the awarded contract, including the Certificate, Ownership Certificate in my name, and a copy of my passport. These documents will provide you with the necessary background information for this project.
Once you have reviewed the documents, I kindly request that you contact my attorney regarding the fund transfer process. He will guide you through the necessary steps and ensure that the transfer is completed promptly.
I sincerely appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter. Your assistance will not only help me achieve my investment goals but also make a positive impact on the lives of many through charitable donations.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,
Jacob J. Lew
Finance and Account Department
Qatar Petroleum (Qatar Energy)

Email from the scammer's other character

I got your email following the referral from Mr. Jacob J. Lew of the Former Finance and Account Department of Qatar Petroleum (Qatar Energy). Your involvement in the proposed investment of USD 10 million in your country has been duly acknowledged and approved. In light of this promising venture, our esteemed law firm, StevenG Law Chamber, is ready to facilitate the smooth progression of this investment. As part of the necessary procedures, we will prepare a comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlining the purpose and investment plans, complete with ratios for a transparent collaboration.

To kickstart the process, there are crucial legal documents that need to be attended to promptly. The following documents will be meticulously prepared, notarized, and presented:

Transfer of Funds Ownership Documents
Sworn Affidavits Certificate of Change of Funds and Proof of Ownership
International Legal Clearance Certification (Not Money Laundering or Drug Trafficking Certificate)
International Court of Qatar Letter of Approval of Ownership for Funds Transfer

It is imperative to underscore that our law firm will handle the processing of these documents. However, before we proceed with further discussions or the preparation and signing of the MOU, the aforementioned documents must be provided, signed, sealed, and delivered.

Please be advised that the cost associated with the procurement and processing of these vital documents amounts to 1,250 USD . This nominal fee with my legal charges is necessary to adhere to international legal transfer requirements and ensure a seamless transaction, minimizing any potential delays or impediments.

Kindly remit the specified amount and rest assured that our team will swiftly commence the necessary procedures upon receipt.

We are committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and transparency throughout this transaction. Your cooperation in this matter is highly appreciated.

See the attached copy of my Passport.

Looking forward to a prosperous partnership.

Best Regards,
Steven G. York, Esq.
Senior Attorney
StevenG Law Chamber CO/
Doha Qatar

If you're here because you received the same email as what I posted and you're wondering if it's a scam...YES, it's a scam

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