by b8enjoyer
Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:12 am
Personal names of people who aren't the scammer edited out, email remains the same otherwise.
Only known address is the one in the title, but also goes by Perez Hanivirah.
Only known address is the one in the title, but also goes by Perez Hanivirah.
Attention: (name edited out)
I wish to confirm the receipt of your mail couple with your information as requested for the processing of the releasing of your fund €1,000,000 ( One Million Euros ) through the approved bank by name MayBank.
I will be going to the International remittance department of the bank for the submission of your provided information’s and issuance of the Automated Teller Machine card (ATM).
You are requested to respond to this mail and confirm that you received it so as to commence the process to releasing of your fund to you via visa debit ATM card without any delay.
Thanks and best regards,
Dr Richard Melon