Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Link Sun Jun 09, 2024 3:06 pm
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tel/Whats-App +1 (937) 738-3659


Received: by e.mail.ru with HTTP; Mon, 20 May 2024 13:08:05 +0300
From: Davon Carmody <[email protected]>
To: Davon Carmody <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 13:08:05 +0300
Reply-To: Davon Carmody <[email protected]>

Greetings to you and your family that is if you are still alive, this is to inform you that there is presently a claims on your fund by one Mr. Antonio Reyes, who is presently trying to make us believe that you are dead and even explained that you entered into an agreement with him to help you in receiving your fund, he said you signed an agreement that he should claim your fund. He said you died on Friday last week of covid-19 related issues and before you died while at the hospital bed you signed an agreement with him that he should claim your long overdue fund, he also said he was a business partner with you and he said you have given him the power of attorney to claim the fund after his death.

Here comes the big question. Did you sign any deed of assignment agreement in favor of (Mr. Antonio Reyes)? Thereby making him the current beneficiary to the USD2,300,000.00 with the following account details:?

Mr. Brian G. Newman,
ac/number: 6503809428.
b/name: Citi bank,
address: Bronx New York, USA.

We shall proceed to issue all payment details to the above named person if we do not hear from you within the next two(2) working days. Get back to us with immediate effect THAT IS IF YOU ARE STILL ALIVE... MAKE SURE YOU RECONFIRM YOUR FULL NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER PLUS ID CARD. SEND IT TO THIS EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

Thank you.
Davon Carmody

Davon Carmody
Отправлено из Почты Mail.ru

Mail #2

Thanks for the mail,

We are very happy to know that you are very much alive, we have asked Mr Anthonio Reyes to come back here in 3 days time while we carry out our investigation, be rest assured that when he does he will be arrested and prosecuted.

To this end, you are hereby advise to reconfirm to us your details as requested below:

Phone number:
Identity Card:

Once we hear from you with the details as requested above we will proceed with the process that will aid the release of your fund to you.

I await your response.

Mr Joseph

MIL #3

Attn: XXX,

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your mail and your details as well,

We are very happy to know that you are very much alive, we have asked Mr Anthonio Reyes to come back here by next week and when he does he will be arrested and prosecuted.

Meanwhile A preliminary verification has been completed, you are hereby advised to contact the paying bank immediately on their email address as stated below while we monitor the process.

Bank Name: LCNB National Bank Dayton, Ohio
Contact: Mike Fritsch
Position: Director/Vice President
Email: [email protected]
Tel/Whats-App +1 (937) 738-3659

Inform the bank that I, Mr. Joseph Oswalt, from the United nation, has directed you to contact them about the release of your fund worth US$2.3 million united states dollars.

Keep me posted with every one of your dealings with the bank.

Mr. Joseph Oswalt.

Mail #4
[email protected]

Attn: XXX

I write to confirm receipt of your details and means of identification as provided and we are now good to go.

As you know, US$2.3Million is not a small sum which means that when we transfer direct to your bank account via wire, it will require you to pay for several backup documentations so i therefore advise that we use the following methods which you are expected to chose your preferred method.

1) A Non Residence Online Account: This account will be setup in your name and the US$2.3Million will be moved from our bank's suspense account to it and the online login details to the account will be made available to you which you will then use to login and transfer the funds yourself to any bank account of your choice globally without the help of anyone using the internet.

The setup/Activation of this Non Residence online account cost US$1,150 only which will be the first deposit on the online account and will be made transferable alongside the US$2.3Milion so the funds remain yours as well.

2)ATM Card: An ATM Card will be linked to the online account and be delivered to you at your provided address which you will use to withdrew/transfer funds to any bank account of your choice globally using any ATM Point near you.

The cost for Insurance/Delivery is US$750 only so let us know which method you will prefer.

NOTE: We are unable to deduct any of this fees from the principal sum because the issuer insured the funds and the insurance policy attached to the funds does not permit authorize anyone to deduct from it rather than transfer the entire sum to you.

Thank you for your understanding.

Mike Fritsch
LCNB National Bank
Dayton, Ohio
Director/Vice President
Tel/Whats-App +1 (937) 738-3659

Additional emails...

Attn: XXX

Below is the online account that was setup in your name where the $2.3Million is deposited.


ccount Number: 1523454810

Password: lcnbdtoh

Pin: 7381N

Note that account activation of this Non Residence online account cost US$1,150 only which you are to send as soon as possible to enable you have full access to transfer funds to any bank account of your choice and will be made transferable alongside the US$2.3Milion so the funds remain yours as well.

Thank you for your understanding.


Mike Fritsch

LCNB National Bank

Dayton, Ohio

Drector/Vice President

Attn: XXX

Below is the online account that was setup in your name where the $2.3Million is deposited.


ccount Number: 1523454810

Password: lcnbdtoh

Pin: 7381N

Note that account activation of this Non Residence online account cost US$1,150 only which you are to send as soon as possible to enable you have full access to transfer funds to any bank account of your choice and will be made transferable alongside the US$2.3Milion so the funds remain yours as well.

Kindly have the $1,150 account activation fee transferred to the banking details below.

Account name:

Thank you for your understanding.


Mike Fritsch
LCNB National Bank
Dayton, Ohio
Drector/Vice President
Tel/Whats-App +1 (937) 738-3659

If you're here because you received the same email as what I posted and you're wondering if it's a scam...YES, it's a scam

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