Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Wiljames Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:54 pm
from: From Ajay Banga [email protected]
reply-to: [email protected]
subject: Your immediate response is required

World Bank
Compensation Payments Directives.
Address: 1818 H Street, N.W., Mail Stop MC 13-1302, Washington, DC 20433 U.S.A.


This is to inform you that based on the unnecessary delay in payment of $30 Million in your favor which has been in our Custody, we have noticed unnecessarily delayed by corrupt officials in our Bank who are trying to divert your funds into their accounts. After an extensive crucial closed-door meeting which we just concluded some two days ago, we have concluded and packaged your $30 Million Funds into a Consignment Box which we just declared a Family Treasure.

Therefore we want to bring the good news to you that we have sent an experienced delivery man in the Person of (Mr. Paul Gardner W Jr) who has left for the delivery of your funds which are in the Consignment Box, and we want you to know that his currently at John F Kennedy International Airport which is his first transit waiting to hear from you before he can proceed to deliver your Funds to you.

Secondly, we to make it clear to you that the complete $30 Million is on the Box that Mr.Paul Gardner W Jr is currently with over there at John F Kennedy International Airport New York, and his not aware of what his carrying because we told him that the things inside the Boxes are family treasure which must not be open by anyone, and on no account should you allow him to open the Box until he arrives your home to avoid running away with the Box but meanwhile the Box has code which we are not going to release to you until he arrives your home for security reason.

You are therefore advised to contact him on this email ([email protected]) and provide him with your information below

Your Full Name.......
Your Current Home Address......
The Closest Airport Close to you..........
Your Cell Phone ............
Your ID or Drivers License

Lastly, We want to warn you again that on no account should you disclose what is inside the Box to him because his not aware of what is inside the Box to avoid running away with the Box.

Yours Sincerely,
Ajay Banga

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