Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Wiljames Tue Jun 11, 2024 11:12 pm
from: Elvyra Balkauskiene [email protected]
subject: Good day dearest one!

My name is Elvyra Balkauskiene and I am a Lithuanian citizen. I was suffering from cancer for the past seven 7 years and my late husband had left me everything he worked for. I have decided to establish from what I have inherited from my late husband to a Charity Organization through you for the good work of humanity as I will be going for a surgical operation, and I pray that I survive.

At the moment I cannot take any telephone calls because I can hardly talk, and I have been restricted by my doctor from taking telephone calls because I deserve all the rest I can get. Presently, I have informed my lawyer about my decision. When the money is in your account, you will take 20% of the total amount and 5% is mapped out to cover any miscellaneous expense any party might have incurred during the course of the transaction and use the 75% to establish and build a charity foundation in your country to help the orphanage and less privileged,
If you are interested in carrying out this task, kindly provide the following information is stated below to my private E-mail: [email protected]

No 1: Your Full Name
No 2: Your Home Address
No 3: Contact Telephone Number
No 4: Your Marital Status
No 5: Your current occupation
No 6: Your passport Copy or Drivers License.
No 7. Your current Email Address

I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality in this matter until the task is accomplished, as I don't want anything that will make my late husband's relatives jeopardize my last wish.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
Elvyra Balkauskiene

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