Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:45 pm
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Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2011 09:59:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Mr.Thomas Malatji" <[email protected]>
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Subject: Inquiry to invest in your reputable company
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DIRECTS EMAIL: [email protected]

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Mr. Thomas Malatji T.N , an Auditor with the South African Ministry of Minerals and
Energy Resources. I am making this contact with you based on the committee's need for an
individual/ company who is willing to assist us with a solution to money transfer. First and
foremost, I apologize using this medium to reach you for a transaction / business of this
magnitude, but this is due to Confidentiality and prompt access reposed on this medium. In
enfolding this proposal, I want to count on you, as a respected and honest person to handle this
transaction with sincerity and trust.

I have decided to seek co-operation from you in the execution of the deal described
hereunder for the benefit of all parties involved and hope you will keep it as a secret because
of the nature of this transaction. Within the department where I am employed as a auditor I
have in my possession as overdue payment bills totaling Thirty Million, Five Hundred United
States Dollars (U.S $30,500,000.00) which we want to transfer abroad with the assistance and
co-operation of a foreign company/individual to receive the said funds on our behalf or a
reliable foreign non-company account to receive such funds.

I am handicapped in circumstances, as I am still in active government service and more so the
South African Code of Conduct does not allow us to operate off-sure accounts hence your
importance in this transaction. This amount (U.S$30.5M) represents the balance of the total
contract value executed on behalf of my Department by a foreign contracting firm, which was
over invoiced deliberately. Though the actual contract costs have been paid to the original
contractor, leaving the balance in tune of the said amount which we have in principles got
approval to remit by to any foreign Bank account you will provide by filling in the application for
the transfer of rights and privileges of the former contractor to you.

Your share of the entire sum U.S$30.5 Million will be 30% while 70% will be for me.
The business itself has a minimal risk factor on your part provided you treat it with utmost
secrecy and confidentiality. Also, your area of specialization is not a hindrance to the
successful execution of this transaction. I wait in anticipation for your fullest co-operation.
For any questions concerning the clarity on this transaction. Kindly notify me by my direct email:
[email protected] or Phone: 27-76-721-9040, your secured telephone and fax
number for further details upon your acceptance of this proposal, this will enable me to call and
fax all details for your understanding before we commence. Thank you in anticipation for your
co-operation. Remember, it is a deal between me and you, also I am still active in my office.

Best Regards,

Mr. Thomas Malatji.

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