Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by jn5318 Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:43 am
Dr. Mansur Mukhtar
(The Honorable Minister)
Plots 745 & 746, Ahmadu Bello Way
Central Area, Garki, Abuja.

Dear Beneficiary.

It's my pleasure to notify you of my office's approval for your immediate part
payment transfer in value
of the total sum of USD7Million (Exclusive of Interest).The Payment was
initially suspended due to the letter of Intent by WBG Int'l to withdrawal the
Grant earlier pledged to the Government due to the International World
Financial Crises but we got another letter today Clearing the Fund.

You have been placed on a priority payment status due to the delay and set back
you suffered in the past. Your transfer will be made directly from FGN WBG
Foreign Reserve under the correspondent of the Foreign Payment Direct of London,
United Kingdom.

The FGN account has been debited in your favor to the tune of 7million USD, and
you are advised to contact me immediately, as only your early response will
guarantee you a credit redemption slot under this quarter. The Correspondent
fiduciaries will detail you with final payment procedures and the option

For confidentiality purpose, my office will take the initiative of contacting
you with regular updates for proper monitoring of your transaction with the
London unit. You can email or call my direct line. We shall not tolerate those
lackadaisical attitudes exhibited by some Beneficiary under my predecessor and
we have eliminated some of those unscrupulous charges invented by some Officials
as we are aware of this development hence we shall be paying beneficiaries that
are not found wanting. This is my D/L and should NOT be given to a third party
as I restrict calls that comes to this line because it is the line I used in
communicating with the Presidency but the urgency of your case makes it
imperative for me to release it to you.

Please quote the Code: Blue Diamond on your correspondence for Pass

Congratulations in advance.

Yours truly,

Dr. Mansur Mukhtar
Honorable Minister
Federal Ministry Of Finance

by Ralph Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:29 am

Thank you for posting

I am sure you already know this is yet another scam

One of my favourites is to search on the opening line and on this occasion it pays off Click Here

Here, for good measure, I will search without the quotes (a non exact search) Click Here you will see how many reults come up for that one and going by the first page of results, they are all scams as well
Last edited by Ralph on Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
by The Enchantress Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:44 am
Search on the address is wall to wall scam reports and warnings too.



Thank you for posting jn5318. Many victims will now be alerted to this scam.

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