Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by melanie56 Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:14 pm
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Fri, 22 Jul 2011 09:07:05 +0200

Subject: FOR DR. LEMON WILLIAMS................... Recommander une page, site ETS Group
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
From: FOR DR. LEMON WILLIAMS................... <[email protected]>
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2011 09:07:05 +0200

<p>FOR DR. LEMON WILLIAMS................... vous recommande la page <a href="france/envoyer-cette-page/">france/envoyer-cette-page/</a> du site ETS Group.</p><p>Message: BRITISH MINISTRY OF FINANCE OF<br />
BMF GF/GB/24/2010.<br />
Telephone number: +447031889925 <br />
<br />
Release/Transfer Notice for your due Funds (US$10.550M).<br />
payment File No: A-399.<br />
<br />
Attn: Beneficiary.<br />
<br />
With all due respect, this is to Officially Inform you of a New Order to the release of your over due Payment fund held on The 10th AUG 2010 by the British Ministry of finance (UNA-UK). The Senate commission on debt's Management and foreign review Payment, with the Accountant General of The Federation.<br />
<br />
Period to this proceeding meeting, we have been mandated by the senior Economic adviser to the British ministry of finance Under the auspices Of The Accountant General of the federation, to transfer the sum of US$10,550M Usd to your nominated Bank Account from the British ministry Of finance Reserved Account.<br />
<br />
At this point, we wish to remind you to stop all further contact with any person or Office's whom is not recommended by this Ministry. Our Intelligence Monitoring Unit (I.M.U), Code of Conduct Bureau, Legal Unit and The Guardian civil (C.G) have already apprehended some of those suspects whom attempted to Divert your Funds.<br />
<br />
On this note we will not hesitate as we are under mandate to Ensure that Your payment is been transferred immediately without further delay to Your Bank Account.<br />
<br />
In respect to this, we have already programmed your fund to be transferred as soon as we hear from you. Please confirm urgently, to enable me process and proceed with the Transfer logistics, immediately.<br />
<br />
Please note that your urgent attention on this matter will be highly Appreciated as it will help us to clear this subject matter at the Earliest Time and Proceed with your Transfer directives immediately as Instructed By The British ministry of finance.<br />
<br />
Certainly we shall transfer your valued US$ 10,550 M from the Sundry/Suspense Account of the British Government of London being the official Account for International/foreign Payments/debts. A Sundry/Suspense Account can be defined as a secret Account owned by a government and operated by certain assigned Government officials being the authorized signatories whom must sign before Funds can be remitted from such account. For this very account no form of direct withdrawals can be made from it except a Bank to Bank wire transfer which must be approved by the honorable President being the principal signatory to the Account.<br />
<br />
In the combat against fraud, Funds diversion and Funds delay, we have re-lengthy ensured that several foreign beneficiaries have been Paid accordingly in Order to retain and rekindle our country's reputation on the global map because this recent government dispensation is focused and targeted to relieve all Foreign debts as mandated by the European union and The Federal Executive Council (F.E.C), Code of Conduct Bureau and The British Ministry of Finance(B.M.F). Already, a lot of foreign beneficiaries have been Paid by this Ministry so yours will not be an exception considering the fact that the honorable President have Approved your due Funds today dated 10th AUG, 2010.<br />
<br />
<br />
Finally, you are advised to forward the following Details to us, for the Easy accesses to British ministry of finance Reserved Bank Account to Reference This Transfer.<br />
<br />
Your Full Name: _____________________________<br />
Your Complete Address:______________________<br />
Country:____________________________________<br />
Mobile Number:______________________________<br />
Fax Number:__________________________________<br />
Age: _______________________________________<br />
Occupation: __________________________________<br />
A form of identification (I.D Card or Driver's License) is also required for official references. _________________________<br />
Company Name (If any) Position and Address________<br />
<br />
<br />
To this effect, kindly call this office immediately after you read this official Letter. +447031889925 <br />
<br />
I hope this meets your due response as matter of Urgent.<br />
<br />
Best Regards<br />
<br />
Telephone number: +447031889925 <br />
Foreign Payment,<br />
Deputy Executive Director,<br />
British ministry of finance,<br />
([email protected])</p>

by began steele Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:42 pm
I didn't know if to laugh or cry at that email. I am grateful for being told what a Sundry/Suspense account of the British Government of London is. Now I won't have to ask.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by jolly_roger Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:25 pm
The phone number is intersting.
re: +447031889925 is clearly seen in another fraudulant financial type scam on the page http://www.419scam.org/emails/2011-03/31/00136646.1.htm
And from October 2010, the very naughty Dr is associated with the little effort here, http://www.linux.ie/lists/pipermail/soc ... 03650.html
The same phone number is also linked to another scammer using the name raymond wood.
Yet another scam email containing the same phone number has a connection to a Dr Raymond Hill using the email addresses: <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

A lot of people must share this phone I'd suggest because it appears here too.
BMF GF/GB/24/2010.
Telephone number: +447011128690

Release/Transfer Notice for your due Funds (US$10.550).
payment File No: A-399.

Attn: Beneficiary.

With all due respect, this is to Officially Inform you of a New Order to
the release of your over due Payment fund held on The 10th AUG 2010 by the
British Ministry of finance (UNA-UK). The Senate commission on debt's
Management and foreign review Payment, with the Accountant General of The

Period to this proceeding meeting, we have been mandated by the senior
Economic adviser to the British ministry of finance Under the auspices Of
The Accountant General of the federation, to transfer the sum of
US$10,550M Usd to your nominated Bank Account from the British ministry
Of finance Reserved Account.

At this point, we wish to remind you to stop all further contact with any
person or Office's whom is not recommended by this Ministry. Our
Intelligence Monitoring Unit (I.M.U), Code of Conduct Bureau, Legal Unit
and The Guardian civil (C.G) have already apprehended some of those
suspects whom attempted to Divert your Funds.

On this note we will not hesitate as we are under mandate to Ensure that
Your payment is been transferred immediately without further delay to Your
Bank Account.

In respect to this, we have already programmed your fund to be transferred
as soon as we hear from you. Please confirm urgently, to enable me process
and proceed with the Transfer logistics, immediately.

Please note that your urgent attention on this matter will be highly
Appreciated as it will help us to clear this subject matter at the Earliest
Time and Proceed with your Transfer directives immediately as Instructed By
The British ministry of finance.

Certainly we shall transfer your valued US$ 10,550 M from the
Sundry/Suspense Account of the British Government of London being the
official Account for International/foreign Payments/debts. A
Sundry/Suspense Account can be defined as a secret Account owned by a
government and operated by certain assigned Government officials being the
authorized signatories whom must sign before Funds can be remitted from
such account. For this very account no form of direct withdrawals can be
made from it except a Bank to Bank wire transfer which must be approved by
the honorable President being the principal signatory to the Account.

In the combat against fraud, Funds diversion and Funds delay, we have
re-lengthy ensured that several foreign beneficiaries have been Paid
accordingly in Order to retain and rekindle our country's reputation on the
global map because this recent government dispensation is focused and
targeted to relieve all Foreign debts as mandated by the European union and
The Federal Executive Council (F.E.C), Code of Conduct Bureau and The
British Ministry of Finance(B.M.F). Already, a lot of foreign beneficiaries
have been Paid by this Ministry so yours will not be an exception
considering the fact that the honorable President have Approved your due
Funds today dated 10th AUG, 2010.

Finally, you are advised to forward the following Details to us, for the
Easy accesses to British ministry of finance Reserved Bank Account to
Reference This Transfer.

Your Full Name: _____________________________
Your Complete Address:______________________
Mobile Number:______________________________
Fax Number:__________________________________
Age: _______________________________________
Occupation: __________________________________
A form of identification (I.D Card or Driver's License) is also required
for official references. _________________________
Company Name (If any) Position and Address________

To this effect, kindly call this office immediately after you read this
official Letter. +447031889925

I hope this meets your due response as matter of Urgent.

Best Regards

(Dr) Musa Taofeek
Telephone number: +447011128690
Foreign Payment,
Deputy Executive Director,
British ministry of finance

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