Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by jn5318 Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:34 pm

It was Resolved and Agreed upon that your Inheritance/Contract Funds would be
released to you on a special method of payment which tag Name Reads "SWIFT

You are Adviced to Re-comfirm






I wait to hear from you along with the confirmation of the above mentioned
information to enable us proceed.


Yours Faithfully.

Dr. Larry Williams.

by Fubar12 Sat May 02, 2009 10:50 am
Any time you see *To: undisclosed-recipients* @ the top of the e-mail it is sure to be a SCAM.
by The Enchantress Sat May 02, 2009 2:02 pm
Note search on name + atm + scam click here.

Another good post jn5318. It will alert and save others falling for this scam.

Sound advice Fubar12.

Photos - are scammers using yours? click here
Are you falling for a love scammer? click here
Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
Never give personal information.
Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by Ralph Sun May 03, 2009 8:48 am

Your quick tip is accurate in many cases but not quite always.

Just to explian what that means

When you see "undisclosed recipients" the email was also sent by Blind CC to others, of course, legitimate people also Blind CC emails, I do it myself from time to time when I am sending emails to scam victims or indeed our visitors, I have many email accounts for different purposes and sometimes want informatin to be handy in another email or sometimes I may be enlisting another support team member for help with research.
by jameson Wed May 13, 2009 4:30 am
Generally, "undisclosed recipients" only shows up when there is nothing in the "To" line. (I haven't seen it as "To: Joe smith and undisclosed recipients", but it might happen). Many email clients complain when you leave the To line blank, so you will often see scam mail where the To line is the same as the From line - he's sent mail to himself, but you've received it!

There is one other very, very useful use for Blind CC: when you are writing to a mailing list. We have an allotment garden run by a society, and the chairman of the society sends out mail to everyone with everyone's address in the To line. That is a privacy issue and it may be illegal under the Data Protection Act. Sometimes he also sends out amusing little emails he has received. If one of the members forwards the mail on and someone who receives it sends it on to a scammer, that scammer will have all our addresses. The best way to send mail to a large group like that is to use a proper mailing list, but if you can't set one up, the next best thing is blind CC.

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