Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by cjmorey Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:33 pm
Hello my name is Claude and I am from Michigan, I think I am in the same situation I almost did what some did on here , I was appling for a home morgage for 81,000 the company Travison Advisors has anyone heard of this group they almost got me for 8,100 can anyone tell me if they have heard of Travison Advisors please help thanks for this site.

Mod edit: split from welcome thread -Jillian

by The Enchantress Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:14 am
Welcome to Scamwarners cjmorey.

I am glad you have not lost any money.

Although I am not an adviser it looks very suspicious. Their website has contact only by mail and no telephone, which any reputable business would provide.

Search of address 255 Main St Ste 400 Pawtucket, RI 02860 thus;

255 Main Street (Lat: 41.879167 Lon: -71.385278), Type: Building, .... Registrant: Emond Oil Company

Please can you post further information about this company and a Scamwarners adviser will deal promptly with your questions and concerns. Do not post any of your personal details.

Photos - are scammers using yours? click here
Are you falling for a love scammer? click here
Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
Never give personal information.
Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by Arnold Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:25 am
It's not a long established business.

Record expires on 2010-02-24.
Record created on 2009-02-24.

And scammers often create websites for the minimum 1 year as they rarely last that long. I'm still loking into this.
If they've asked for money upfront by Western Union, it's a scam.
Can you post the emails you've had from them. Delete any personal info, including your email address.

by Ralph Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:09 am
Hi Claude,

Welcome to Scamwarners,

As The Enchantress has suggested, a little more information would be helpful.

We have had otehr loan companies mentioned here before that want up front fees and the outcome has been the same in every single case

They have all been scams.

Now, while it is hard to say with any certainty without seeing some more information, I have trouble believing that it is legitimate.

Anything you can give us should not only help us to answer your questions but it should also act as a warning for others and may prevent someone else from being scammed

When posting the information, please leave your own details out of the post, we would rather not have you being identified here, just the scammers
by cjmorey Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:26 pm
"UPDATE" This is an update to my earlier post on Travison Advisors there address that they gave me was 255 Main St. Suite 400 Pawtucket, RI , So what I did was a little detective work and went to reverse address lookup and found some companies in the same building that Travison Advisors claimed they were in Suite 400 of this building. I they found a company that was in the same building and in Suite 401 next door to Travison Advisors talked to the guy on the phone and he said he never heard of them so I had the number of the owner of the building Mr. Thomas G. Hetherigton amd his secertary had told me that no one in that building by that name she said it sounded like a scam to her. So I called Travison Advisors back and left a message for the scum of a women that claimed she was an agent of Travison Advisors by the name of Angela Bickford, And I told her on the message that I was in the area of Pawtucket and wanted to stop by her office at 225 Main St, I waited for about 3 hours and she never replyed so I called her back and she did anwser the phone , I told her who I was and that I would like to stop by her office at 225 Main Street and have a meeting because I was in the area she replyed that they only set up meeting by appointment (very nervously) So I replyed well I will be in the area until Sunday how about tomorrow she replyed nervously that okay I will talk to my manager and yes we can meet tomorrow and I made an appointment for 1:30 on 4/1/09. So I will keep you posted on the outcome tomorrow I am expecting she will call me and cancel but if anyone has any ideas on playing a game with this person let me know, Or if anyone is a police officer and has an idea on how to trap and arrest this group of thiefs please let me know A.S.A.P. Email me at -mod edit: removed email address- Jillian thanks.
by Dan Jones Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:06 pm
That's some nice detecting, but my suggestion is to leave it there. These people are criminals, and they have your real life details. Do you really want to piss them off?

The police probably won't be able to help either as you haven't lost any money (stupid huh). They may be interested if they are part of one of the large loan scam gangs, but they probably won't show anyway.

Please update us if they contact you, but don't go looking for them.
by Jillian Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:23 pm
Welcome cjmorey.

I have removed your email address from your post above. It is best to remain anonymous when reporting internet criminals in a public way such as this. Additionally, having your email address listed online is a sure way to receive even more scam emails. If someone would like to contact you, they can use the private messaging system here on our forum.

Have you sent a payment to a scammer with Western Union and now realize it's a scam? If the payment has not been picked up, you can cancel it immediately! 1-800-448-1492

Follow ScamWarners on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ScamWarners
by cjmorey Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:18 pm
Newdonym wrote:That's some nice detecting, but my suggestion is to leave it there. These people are criminals, and they have your real life details. Do you really want to piss them off?

The police probably won't be able to help either as you haven't lost any money (stupid huh). They may be interested if they are part of one of the large loan scam gangs, but they probably won't show anyway.

Please update us if they contact you, but don't go looking for them.

Thanks for your concerns but they picked the wrong person to mess with I am not a person that will lay down and let this go by, I want to see these people arrested and thrown in prison so they can't hurt anyone else and yes I did not lose any money but they pissed me off real bad.
by Clair Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:23 pm
HI Cjm. Unfortunately this scam has been pretty prevalent the past few years and just continues on without anybody doing anything. The list of fake loan companies in the link posted above now has about 200 names on it. The people at http://www.badcreditloanwarning.com/ have identified over $3 million in reported in loan scam losses. If you plan to take legal action, you might want to get in touch with them. They have been working with the FBI and Canadian officials to fight this type of crime.
by Yosh09 Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:30 am
Whatever happened to the appointment? I recently went to that site they tried to get me for 900[*]

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