Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Nick Smith Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:12 pm
I did try putting this in Fake banks on 419eater for research, unfortunately my account is no longer active. I'm not a member at aa419 either.

Anyway, can some of the site experts check this out please? http://www.gklets.co.uk/
A travel forum that I am a member on keeps getting posts asking if it's a legitimate company, and I just don't know. The claimed site owner has posted, fighting his corner, and unsurprisingly, a few brand new posters have come to his aid to defend his amazing service.
The site is good, with a good landline in London (So no obvious "070" pointers). I'm maybe 80% confident it's probably a genuine, newish letting service, getting bad press, however their payment options are slightly odd. 25% up front, cash or travellers cheque only on arrival in London. They don't provide an office address.

What think you?

by Ralph Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:51 pm
Hi Nick

I will let one of our site experts handle that, (they all know more than me about fake sites) but did want to say HI,

Thanks for calling in, always nice to see you come back, we can sort out your Eater keys too if you like :wink: :lol:

Take care mate and please dont be a stranger
by GomerPyle Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:12 pm
Still digging :D



and this one

http://www.foxtons.co.uk/search?keyword ... ype=search

Probably no need to go further

You could ring the estate agent to ask about the status of the company :D

As a separate comment I would mention what you must already know, and that is that the property market has nose dived especially in the lettings market, and these lettings appear to be the (same estate agent) price of what would be achieved if long term lettings could be obtained, so may not represent good value. Clearly any developer would prefer long term lets, and it appears to be an attempt to get full price on short term holiday lets.

In a buyers market I'd haggle, and it would seem sensible to haggle with the estate agent than a little known company, but that's just my own personal opinion,

Whether you get the same protection and rights as a normal tenant is unknown.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer
by Ted Baker Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:59 pm
Domain name:


Registrant type:

Registrant's address:
Flat 2, 170 hackney Rd
E2 7QL

Key-Systems GmbH [Tag = KEY-SYSTEMS-DE]
URL: http://www.Key-Systems.net

Relevant dates:
Registered on: 02-Sep-2006
Renewal date: 02-Sep-2010
Last updated: 30-Oct-2008

Registration status:
Registered until renewal date.

Name servers:

The address is real enough. Block of 6 flats according to Tower Hamlets Council.
Companies house Linky

The same question was asked on Tripadvisor
by Nick Smith Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:46 am
I see, thanks guys, that's pretty much what I had. Up to now they seem a genuine company, just one that isn't all that big and doesn't get much press, hence why when a question is asked, or a negative comment is mentioned, there's very little else out there to kybosh the negative.

Thanks for the offer of the keys Ralph, but I'm enjoying life well enough... it took a while to get rid of the pasty skin and bloodshot eyes but I'm looking nearly human now. :lol: Had a pint with Windypops a few weeks back, he's fine.
Keep up the good fight, and catch you another time! :)

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