Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:55 am
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Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2011 01:32:26 -0700 (PDT)
From: Drernest Ebi <[email protected]>
Subject: Attention:,
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0-1717132450-1315470746=:7198"
X-Spam-Subject: ***SPAM*** Attention:,
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Content preview: CONTRACT #: MAV/NNPC/FGN/MIN/0010, Swift Code: BPH KPL PK,
A/C#: 329606=101244=169=678 Our Ref: CBN/IRD/CBX/021/04 Attention:,
With respect to the provision Section 17 of decree 114 of the 1999 constitution,
I was directed to inform you today that your payment verification and confirmations
is "OK". Therefore, we are happy to inform you that arrangements has perfectly
concluded to effect your payment as soon as possible in our bid to be transparent
inline with programmed of the present administration of Dr.Goodluck Jonathan
, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in his crusade against corruption
in Nigeria. However, it is our pleasure to inform you that ATM Card has been
approved and upgraded in your favor and have been instructed by our bank
Central Bank of Nigeria to issue it to you. Meanwhile, your Secret Pin Number
will be send across to you via attachmeent. The ATM Card Value is $3.5million
USD Only. You are advised that a maximum withdrawal value of US$7,000.00
is permitted daily. And we are duly inter-switched and you can make withdrawal
in any location of the ATM Center of your choice/nearest to you. We have
also concluded delivery arrangement with our accredited courier service Company
to be fully insured by Fedex Courier Service Company (Fedex) to oversee the
delivery of the ATM Card to you without any further delay. In view of this
development, you are requested to immediately forward your full contact information
were the delivery will be made to Advice this office of your preferred time
of visitation to delivery so that we can inform the courier service Company.
And be informed that your valid I.D card must be presented to the dispatchers
before release will be done to you to avoid wrong delivery, therefore you
are directed to present your ID to the Courier on receipt of you package.
Treat as very urgent, as we also remind you once again that your ATM Card
is ready. You call me as soon as you receive this message +2348067169072
Content analysis details: (9.8 points, 7.0 required)
pts rule name description
---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
-0.0 RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE RBL: Sender listed at http://www.dnswl.org/, no
[ listed in list.dnswl.org]
0.8 RCVD_IN_SORBS_WEB RBL: SORBS: sender is an abusable web server
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[Blocked - see <http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?>]
3.2 MILLION_USD BODY: Talks about millions of dollars
0.0 FREEMAIL_FROM Sender email is commonly abused enduser mail provider
-0.5 RP_MATCHES_RCVD Envelope sender domain matches handover relay domain
0.1 FREEMAIL_ENVFROM_END_DIGIT Envelope-from freemail username ends in
digit (drernestebi90.cbn63[at]yahoo.com)
0.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message
0.8 BAYES_50 BODY: Bayes spam probability is 40 to 60%
[score: 0.5000]
0.0 LOTS_OF_MONEY Huge... sums of money
1.6 MONEY_ATM_CARD Lots of money on an ATM card
0.0 ADVANCE_FEE_4_NEW Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
0.1 ADVANCE_FEE_5_NEW Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
0.8 ADVANCE_FEE_3_NEW Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
0.0 ADVANCE_FEE_4_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
0.0 ADVANCE_FEE_5_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
0.0 ADVANCE_FEE_3_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
1.0 ADVANCE_FEE_2_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
0.0 T_TO_NO_BRKTS_FREEMAIL To: misformatted and free email service
0.4 MONEY_FRAUD_5 Lots of money and many fraud phrases
0.0 MONEY_FRAUD_3 Lots of money and several fraud phrases
X-Spam-Flag: YES

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Swift Code: BPH KPL PK,
A/C#: 329606=101244=169=678
Our Ref: CBN/IRD/CBX/021/04


With respect to the provision Section 17 of decree 114 of the 1999 constitution, I was directed to inform you today that your payment verification and confirmations is "OK".
Therefore, we are happy to inform you that arrangements has perfectly concluded to effect your payment as soon as possible in our bid to be transparent inline with programmed of the present administration of Dr.Goodluck Jonathan , President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in his crusade against corruption in Nigeria.

However, it is our pleasure to inform you that ATM Card has been approved and upgraded in your favor and have been instructed by our bank Central Bank of Nigeria to issue it to you. Meanwhile, your Secret Pin Number will be send across to you via attachmeent. The ATM Card Value is $3.5million USD Only.

You are advised that a maximum withdrawal value of US$7,000.00 is permitted daily. And we are duly inter-switched and you can make withdrawal in any location of the ATM Center of your choice/nearest to you.

We have also concluded delivery arrangement with our accredited courier service Company to be fully insured by Fedex Courier Service Company (Fedex) to oversee the delivery of the ATM Card to you without any further delay.

In view of this development, you are requested to immediately forward your full contact information were the delivery will be made to Advice this office of your preferred time of visitation to delivery so that we can inform the courier service Company.

And be informed that your valid I.D card must be presented to the dispatchers before release will be done to you to avoid wrong delivery, therefore you are directed to present your ID to the Courier on receipt of you package. Treat as very urgent, as we also remind you once again that your ATM Card is ready.

You call me as soon as you receive this message +2348067169072

Kind regards
Dr.Ernest Ebi
Deputy Governor Central Bank of Nigeria

Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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