Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Jillian Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:10 pm

from Mr John V Watts [email protected]
reply-to [email protected]

date Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 7:12 AM
subject Re: Official Memo.

This notification memo has been sent to you three times without a response from you and this will be the last time and I do hope you receive it.

This is an unconventional way of relaying an important message such as this. Due to the urgency of this issue, I resorted in contacting you via email and I do apologize if it did not meet up with professional ethics.

This inquiry is about an account holder (Name Withheld) who bears same surname with you and the true position of his deposits at ADB Invest Account. This Investor died and has no successor in title over his fund with the bank amounting to over USD$7,000,000.

The essence of this communication with you is to request that you provide us information/comments on any or all of the four issues as regards nominating you to inherit the fund left behind by this client.

1-Are you aware of any relative/relation born on the 2nd of February 1951, who bears your same surname whose last known contact address was Ireland?

2-Are you aware of any investment of considerable value made by such a person at the ADB Bank Group?

3-Can you confirm your willingness to accept this inheritance if you are legally and legitimately appointed.

4-Would you agree to donate part of this inheritance to charity if you are officially approved to stand as the inheritor?

It is pertinent that you inform us ASAP whether or not you are familiar with this personality or and your interest towards the issues mentioned.

You must appreciate that we are constrained from providing you with more detailed information at this point. We will provide you with additional information upon receipt of your response.

Upon your response, our senior consultant Officer will contact you with more detailed information on the deceased client and the process of nominating you to inherit his wealth.

Your faithful,

Mr John V. Watts
Senior Consultant officer
JW Consultants
194 Regent Street, Westminster London,
W1S 2XG, United Kingdom
Cell Phone No: +44 70359 40876
Fax No: +44 84458 83458

Have you sent a payment to a scammer with Western Union and now realize it's a scam? If the payment has not been picked up, you can cancel it immediately! 1-800-448-1492

Follow ScamWarners on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ScamWarners

by Terminator5 Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:46 pm
The source host name is "" and the source IP address is

Geo-Location Information

Country China

City Baiyin

Mr Thomas Brown
JW Consultants
194 Regent Street, Westminster London,
W1S 2XG, United Kingdom
Cell Phone No: +447035940876
Fax No: +448445883458

Mr thomas Brown [email protected]

[email protected]

Identical Scam Email Recieved . New Contact Details.

Daniel 8 :25
by trivran Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:09 am
Please note that JW Consultants is a fake company (obviously) - 194 Regent Street is part of Hamleys (188-196)
by Arnold Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:58 am
Welcome to Scamwarners.
Businesses featuring in scams are either imaginary or real ones impersonated by scammers. We make a point of making it clear that the real ones aren't part of the scams.

by krisps Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:40 am
Yeap, this scam is still alive and kicking - this exact email arrived in my junk mail today. Usually I delete these things, but decided that as I had some spare time, and was feeling litigious, I decided to reply. In addition, I also decided to check out his creditionals, and, voila! arrived at this website. He's using a new email address this time - either [email protected], or [email protected] - I'm unsure which. The content of the email was EXACTLY THE SAME, WORD FOR WORD. I doubt my reply will draw him out much - it will probably come across as a touch too self-indulgent, but if I do manage to elicit any info from him, I'll be sure to post here to help others. YAY!
by Jillian Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:40 am
Welcome, krisps, and thanks for posting the new email addresses. :D

What you're doing, replying to the scammer to engage him when you know it is a scam, is considered scambaiting. We don't recommend doing this with your real information and real email account. Our sister site, http://419Eater.com is a scambaiting website, also with a forum. You may want to visit there and learn how to bait the scammers safely.

Have you sent a payment to a scammer with Western Union and now realize it's a scam? If the payment has not been picked up, you can cancel it immediately! 1-800-448-1492

Follow ScamWarners on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ScamWarners

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