by Calvin Huckle
Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:05 pm
I do a lot of scam baiting. Recently I called a man (lets call him "Bob") who I was worried was being targeted by a scammer. Bob said he was only "messing" with the scammer and had no intention of sending him money. HOWEVER he was using his real name so I can't be sure if he was really in danger of falling for the scam or not. (He also admitted to me that he had lost $80,000 to a previous scam.) After I warned Bob about the scammer and I explained why I called, etc... He casually mentioned that he is currently involved with a unrelated organization called What little Bob told me about it got me suspicious enough that I took a look at it for myself. It looks like it might be an online "pyramid" scheme of some kind? Is it a scam or am I just being overly paranoid from scam baiting for so long? (By the way - Bob has already sent some money to this organization.)
If "thecashflowangel" is a scam. Please give me advice for how best I can explain this to to Bob so that I sound like I know what I'm talking about and that I don't bruse his ego. Also how should I advise him. (Is there any hope of him getting a refund? Should he go to the police? etc...)
Thank you, in advance, for your help.
- Calvin Huckle
Mod edit: removed link. -Jillian
If "thecashflowangel" is a scam. Please give me advice for how best I can explain this to to Bob so that I sound like I know what I'm talking about and that I don't bruse his ego. Also how should I advise him. (Is there any hope of him getting a refund? Should he go to the police? etc...)
Thank you, in advance, for your help.
- Calvin Huckle
Mod edit: removed link. -Jillian