Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by cduval04 Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:25 pm
ok there is this person on craiglist in the boston for sale forum..the title is "STILL * IN * THE * BOX - APPLE IPAD 2 - NOT EVEN TURNED ON - $250"

and the listing says this:
Gotta sell this iPad 2. I need cash ASAP. I haven't even unsealed the box yet, just have to sell. White outside 16gig WiFi presently under apple care

so of course I made an inquiry, wouldnt you, this ipad retails for 500 and he is selling it sealed brand new for half that?

I got a return email (from an email with a suspicious looking domain name: aperellis199@gomail123.com) saying this:
Sorry it took a little to reply, someone already bought it, but Ive been telling people where I got it.
I picked up four for under 70 bucks at http://bouncebid7.com and I have been re-selling them on Craigslist for some extra cash.
Because that site is really new there's not really anyone online, no one is bidding, its just like xmas all over. The trick is to bid only when the countdown gets to 3 seconds and you win almost every single time.

If I did it ANYBODY can lol
Have a great day!!

I went on this site it is one of those penny auction sites, which are very hard to win the lower priced items, let alone big ticket items unless you are an experienced penny auction bidder, it is really a game and there is a whole strategization process that goes with it....they even give "practice bids" and "rookie auctions" so you can get good at it.

also in the last 3 days, he has had 6 of these up for sale, 4 are on today.....maybe he is just a really good/persistent penny auction player...but they are NOT easy like he said..and compared to the other penny site like quibids or beezid there are actually very few ipads on that site.....

it just doesnt feel right, there are no pics of any of them and the weird email gomail123.com? sounds like some disposable service..(I did a whois on gomail123.com and it doesnt exist, there is no data on who is is registered to and whois.is even came back with "No name servers or DNS records were found for gomail123.com. Please try another search."

it is tempting, but at least in the northeast there have been a slu of cases where buyers meet sellers for make the transaction and the seller has a gun, takes their money and sometimes even other stuff like their wallet, jeweler y and car......def don't want that to happen...I am a college student on SSI income....I don't have much money and am looking for a cheap ipad for school (don't even care if it's 1st gen or used) and that would SERIOUSLY set me back

should i forget about this one?? what do you think?

by jolly_roger Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:05 pm
It's all looking highly sus dude! bouncebid7.com has only been registered for a short space of time and expires on 13th September 2012 (only registered for the bare 12 months which is a favourite ploy of scammers)
Cannot find info for the other domain, so it's either not registered or it's gone down already. All of which doesn't instill a great deal of confidence. I know we all love a bargain, but I'd be buying said item from a reputable store or dealer.
Take care out there.
by cduval04 Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:11 pm
thanks...I've decided to let this one go...got a load of replys on another forum they all say its a scam too

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