Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:17 pm
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TELL: +44 7924570204
FAX: +44 8448127038
EMAIL: [email protected]

Attention: Sir/Madam

I’m expert in corporate and legal claims; I'm working with Johnson Associates in London. I am contacting you in regards to a deceased client who died in an auto accident in Cape Town, South Africa in 01-March 2010; he was a prominent client of mine. He happens to be from your country originally and share the same last name with you, Before his death, my client deposited (Twenty Two Million United State Dollars) ($22 Million) at the vault of a financial institution in Madrid Spain documentations regarding these transaction indicates that claims can only be made by his relative/ family member. Unfortunately he had no will at the time of his death. All efforts made through some Private Investigators in United Kingdom have revealed no link to any of his family member. But your name came up as a possible relative. However,

The Spanish law of succession/claims/fund indicates a duration in which such claims could be tolerated. The financial institution have mandated me to present the next of kin or a relative who will claim the funds and Failure to respond to this ultimatum would legally allow the financial institute to report this funds to the Centre Bank of Spain as unclaimed funds(Lack of supersede).

I have put in place all necessary requirements concerning the release of this funds and it is my intention to introduce this opportunity to you as the beneficiary. Please note that I'm legally equipped with all necessary information/documentations concerning this fund. Upon your decision of acceptance, I would process the release of these funds to your possession as the Beneficiary of the fund immediately you get in touch with me, I would be able to inform you on how this could be concluded.

In conclusion, it's my concern to demand your ultimate honesty, co-operation and confidentiality to enable us conclude this transaction. I GUARANTEE that this process would be executed under a legitimate arrangement that would legally protect you from any branch of the law in Madrid Spain or your country; please I will like you to call me as soon as you got my Letter today

Best regards,

Garr Vincent
TELL: +44 7924570204
FAX: +44 8448127038
EMAIL: [email protected]

Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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