Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:27 pm
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From: "web1" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: Assist Me
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 18:43:37 -0100
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X-Spam-Subject: ***SPAM*** Assist Me
X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=9.1
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Content preview: Dear Sir/Madam, I am M/S Aisha Z. Sayed Gaddaf al Dam, daughter
to Brigadier Sayed Gaddaf al Dam, third in the command hierarchy of the depose
government of the people of Libya Arab Jamahiriya. I am contacting you in
strict confidence knowing fully well that, this medium is not trusted, secured,
but we believe in your great sense of understanding and judgment, before
her Excellency departed to TUNIS. [...]
Content analysis details: (9.1 points, 7.0 required)
pts rule name description
---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
2.0 DEAR_SOMETHING BODY: Contains 'Dear (something)'
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2.4 FREEMAIL_REPLYTO Reply-To/From or Reply-To/body contain different
0.0 ADVANCE_FEE_4_NEW Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
0.8 ADVANCE_FEE_3_NEW Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
0.0 T_TO_NO_BRKTS_FREEMAIL To: misformatted and free email service
X-Spam-Flag: YES

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am M/S Aisha Z. Sayed Gaddaf al Dam, daughter to Brigadier Sayed Gaddaf al
Dam, third in the command hierarchy of the depose government of the people of
Libya Arab Jamahiriya. I am contacting you in strict confidence knowing fully
well that, this medium is not trusted, secured, but we believe in your great
sense of understanding and judgment, before her Excellency departed to TUNIS.

We need not over emphasize on what is going on in our dear country, the grand
gang up by the international countries but spear headed by a few powerful
nations with face the of NATO, all in the name of democratic
reforms which is very strange to our cultural values, first over the years it
was speculations, and there after intelligence reports leaked confirming
ethnic conspiracy and the interest in taking over the oil wells, confiscation
of funds etc.

Right now they have succeeded in destroying our country and the resources
built over the years, empowering the rebel government to seize all the money
and properties of the ruling families. However last year November,
2010, Madam was in Accra for a business transaction, and she lodged some funds
with a private vault operator, this fund was actually meant for the purchase
of a gold mine at OBUASI, in the KUMASI region but we lost to the Chinese. As
luck will have it, these funds were well conceal in diplomatic consignment and
declared as archeological artifacts, family treasures and mining materials.

So for now, considering the turn of event in Tripoli, Madam has reached a
decision to source for an astute Manager of investment, who can assist us take
over these funds at Accra for investment, someone with proven experience and

Yours faithfully,
E-mail: [email protected]

Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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