Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Terminator5 Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:48 am
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simon ameku [email protected] to me

Dear xxxxxxx

As you rightly know I contacted you in this matter base on the fact that you bear the same surname with my late client and of the same nationality since I had sought for the relatives without success and instead of this fund being confisticated by the Finance Firm as I did mentioned in my proposal or being claimed by some unscrupulous person.

I however, apologize for my interference into your privacy as this was done out of my desire to locate a sincere and trustworthy individual who can guarantee the confidence needed in this matter and with due respect and honour.

As the content of your mail reads, note that all I want from you is to stand as a next of kin and beneficiary to the unclaimed estate of my deceased client. I also want to make it more vivid and comprehensive to you as stated in my proposal that after several unsuccessful attempts in locating my late client's relative here and then I decided to search for a reliable,honest and trustworthy person to entrust this business with hence I contacted you.

Of course,I know that you might not be related or even know (late) Mr. Charles xxxxx as I really made a thorough inquiry and was convinced that he had non known living relative as I understood that he came to Togo sometime in 1965.

Note that the next of kinship as stated by the inheritnace law, is not limited to relations of the deceaced nor is it confided to the circuit of parental relationship, rather it is by choice of the benefactor as regards to whom he wish to will it to (beneficiary) either formally by write up ,or informally by secret information disclosure to beneficiary, be him/ her business partner, relation, kinsmen,friends or well wisher, therefore by virtue of the above stated,I seek consent to present you as the next of kin to my late client since the supposed next of kin also died in the earthquake.

You should also note that all the original documents that will be needed in a transaction of this nature ascertaining you as the bonafide beneficary and next of kin to my late client will duely and legally be obtained and issued in your names and favour. I do not know you but I feel you will be human enough to be honest to me at least for bringing you into a deal capable of fetching something tangible.

I have done everything possible to trace the relatives of my late client without any luck,most of his properties here were vandalised by hoodlums and some over grown by weeds as there is no one to look after them.It was until the Finance Firm with the said deposit invited me to their office and mandated me as his attorney here in Togo to locate and present to them his next of kin for the release of his outstanding fund with them,the total sum of (US$10 M) Only. It's upon this that I decided to contact you as bearing the same surname in order to assist me in putting claims to this fund for the release and transfer.

Please,understand that there is no atom of risk involve in this transaction because it is I as his attorney that has been mandated by the Finance Firm to provide his next of kin and it's whosoever that I forward his names to the said firm that will be approved as his legitimate next of kin.

Therefore, in a situation of this kind, it's not published and the respective financial institution only informs the customer's attorney as the case may be and then only waits for the real heir to show up as the availability of such funds are expected to be in the late "customer's will " which would be the only source of knowledge of it by anybody who is entitle to such estate but the real heir was involved in the earthquake.

If this fund is not claimed,it will be reverted into the escrow account of Togo Government if nobody puts claims of ownership of the said fund. There is nothing to worry about as everything is legal with documentations,it is my duty to provide the next of kin and whosoever I approve as the next of kin will become the beneficiary and receive the fund.

The most important issue to be considered now is trust and confidence in this matter hence I plead this should be our watch word through out this transaction and I can fully assure you on my own part that as much as I work this with you,I will always remain the same.

In receipt of your next mail with your full co-operation,home address and direct phone number I will proceed for the presentation to the bank as the sole next of kin to my deceased client for them to process the neccessities for the immediate release of the deposit in your favour without hitch.

I suggest that we share proceeds on a 60%-40% sharing ratio,that is I will be entitled to 60% while the remaining 40% will be for you, I await to hear your own opinion as regards the sharing ratio.

You can call me through my direct telephone number ( +22892371966 )as indicated for further clarifications.

Your maximum co-operation will be highly appreciated.

I am waiting for you to proceed.

Best Regards.

Barrister Simon Ameku Esq.
Tel. +22892371966.

Daniel 8 :25

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