Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by donecek Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:48 am
I have been on the Skype and somebody had joined with me so we had a friendly time for more as 1 month to have been planning an investment of 6 milion dollars.He is general Robert William Cone (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_W._Cone) an american in Iraq who need send the money to my account in England.So let's the funny thing come on and we will see what the end will be.

by Dotti Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:02 am
Welcome Donecek,

The "soldier-with-millions" scam has been around a while, but it still manages to work on some victims. We are seeing more scammers take advantage of services like Skype in order to run their scams--scammers will use any tool or service they can think of.

However, it sounds like you are baiting this scammer (deliberately leading this scammer on). If your skype account is tied to your real information, we cannot recommend playing with a scammer, as he would have access to real information about you. There are ways to bait safely. We have a sister site, 419eater.com that is dedicated to scambaiting, and you can find much more information about baiting safely there.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by donecek Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:22 pm
Dotti wrote:Welcome Donecek,

The "soldier-with-millions" scam has been around a while, but it still manages to work on some victims. We are seeing more scammers take advantage of services like Skype in order to run their scams--scammers will use any tool or service they can think of.

However, it sounds like you are baiting this scammer (deliberately leading this scammer on). If your skype account is tied to your real information, we cannot recommend playing with a scammer, as he would have access to real information about you. There are ways to bait safely. We have a sister site, 419eater.com that is dedicated to scambaiting, and you can find much more information about baiting safely there.

Hi Dotti.
Thank you so much for your web link that did help me so much to get what is going on. Just because of you so I could find out a full truth about the scammer.
I did immediately copy of the weblink and sent it to his Skype with a citation, "That not everybody of the Europeans has to be an idiot as the Africans think about us".
I don't think that they can jeopardize me any more as they live outside Europe.
I have to say to truth that on the begin of the freakish friendship I did believe it's story and I had started to set up a dollar bank account to get the money there.I said to him that I will not accept any cash as he wanted to send it via an United nation courier who will deliver the money to me.Only I wanted to help him to make an investment to a real estate in Europe by giving him a information.I didn't expect neither penny of this as I have got a very different ways of my life and I prefer to be independent in my life, however he wanted to catch me on a greed.
At the time he has been deleted from my Skype so that chapter is gone for me. :=)
Thanks to all of you by my heart to get it on.
I'm just wondering why they doing that things if there isn't neither a bit chance to win it.

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