Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Chris123 Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:24 am
Hello there!
A few days ago I received a message of a family from the UK and at the beginning I really weren't skeptical, but now the lawyer of the family just sent me the contract and invitation documents. I am really afraid to sign that contract, although I can't see any hidden messages.
What should I do??
At first the Email of the lawyer:
From: "Barr Donald Brown" <[email protected]>

Hello ...,

How are you doing?After talking with my
client,he has authorized me to send you this email..I am attaching
herewith a Contract/Invitation Letter from Dr Paul Fields,for you to
go through.. If you accept, you would have to sign and date at the
bottom and send a scanned copy to me as e mail attachment.

Information For Travel.

Your employer went to the UK Immigrations Office here in London to
inform them about his decision to employ you and to also seek their
approval/permit as they are the legal authorities vested with the
power to permit/approve foreign workers.

You have to contact them
immediately you sign the contract letter. Send a copy to them and
also request them to furnish you with details of how you can get
your work permit and travel documents.Also you should know that
your employer,would share travel costs with you,he will pay them
for your Flight Ticket and some other relevant documents, and the
little you would spend is the cost of obtaining your Work Permit
okay. Here are their contact details:

United Kingdom- British Immigration
Lunar House, 49 Wellesley Road
Croydon, Surrey CR9 2BY
United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
Send them an e mail with a copy of the signed contract letter and
they would get in touch with you so that you can travel down
soonest to resume duties.

Best Regards
Barr. Donald Brown.

And here is the contract I should sign...
Dr Paul Fields
No 82 Derwent Road
London, England,
N13 4QA.
United Kingdom.

Date: Friday, September 23, 2011.

Dear: Applicant,

We would like to offer you the position of a Nanny/housekeeper to our client for a minimum period of 12 Months. The terms and conditions of the job are as follows:

You will be required to work for approximately 35 hours per week. Every weekend, will be spent with the family or anywhere, as you would have the weekends off.

You would have a Private Live-Out or Live-In Accommodation depending on your preference with Private Bathroom, Sitting Room and Bedroom. Your room would also be furnished with a Television Set, an Internet Ready Computer System and a Fixed Landline telephone. We ask that all rooms be kept tidy and that friends staying over should only do so with our permission. If we go out as a family, you will generally be invited to come with us (at our expense) should you so choose?

Duties and responsibilities
Your main duty is the due care of my home.

You will be paid an amount of... per month in arrears and in additional...weekly pocket money. Additional hours will be paid at a rate that we may agree between ourselves from time to time.

Start Date and Period of Employment
You are expected to start on the as soon as you arrive here and to stay for a minimum period of 1 yrs. If due to circumstances beyond your control or for any other reason, you wish to leave at an earlier date than our agreement, you will be required to give one month’s notice. If we require you to leave, subject to the conditions specified under ‘discipline’, we will give you a minimum of one month’s notice.

Reasons, which could give rise to disciplinary measures, are as follows:

Causing a disruptive influence in the household.
Job incompetence.
Conduct during or outside working hours prejudicial to our interests.
Unreliability in time keeping or attendance.
Failure to comply with our reasonable instructions or procedures.

In the event of a need for disciplinary action, the procedure will be:
First - a verbal warning.
Second - a written warning.
Third - dismissal without need for further notice. Reasons with would give rise to

summary dismissal would be:
Theft or other dishonest offences.
Illegal drug taking.
Child abuse or neglect.

You will have 3 weeks paid vacation after 4 months of work. Vacation must be negotiated however, well in advance.

You will be enrolled at a Public School to attend a course in any language of your choice for foreigners for the duration of your stay.

We look forward to having you for the job offer and hope that your association will be a long and happy one.

Please sign a copy of this letter as acceptance of its terms and conditions.
Yours faithfully
Dr Paul Fields

I have read and accept the above terms and conditions.


Full Name Date.

The contract is from the Larson Law Office.

Thank you for your help!

by Dotti Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:59 am
Your suspicions were correct. That is 100% scam. Both the format and the writing tell me that it is a typical African scammer.

Both consultant.com and europe.com addresses are free, anonymous email addresses, just like yahoo or gmail. They are not tied to any legitimate organization or company. Those email addresses alone are enough to guarantee it is a scam, but their whole "immigration process" is phony anyway.

UK has seriously tightened its regulations for international workers. If you are not from EEA or Switzerland, you can't get a visa to work as a housekeeper at all, as the General Migrant tier is closed. If you are from EEA or Switzerland, you don't need a visa!

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by Chris123 Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:05 am
Thank you!

Yeah, maybe this could be a scam, but the name is real.
I googled the name and there was a match. Now I just sent a message to the "real" person, who was listed on the page and maybe he can confirm, that the person who send me those messages are all by himself.

I am from Germany, so I don't need visa.
by Dotti Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:13 am
I'm sorry for being blunt here, but it's important you understand.
There is no "maybe" about this.

Contacting the supposed "real person" will not make this real. There may or may not be a real person, but you have no way of knowing if the "real" person you found is real either. Some scammers will actually create an identity for their characters, even including facebook pages, etc. They may look authentic, especially if they copied information from real people. You have no way of knowing you have contacted a real person, and not another identity of the scammer.

It is a scam, plain and simple. There is NO DOUBT about that. The person who wrote to you is an African scammer, not a UK citizen looking for a nanny.

You need to DROP all contact with this person, and anyone connected to him, now. You have nothing to gain and plenty to lose by remaining in contact.

Incidentally, you can see the same script here. The scammer just changed the hours and names:


Also, please post the email address this scammer used.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by Dotti Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:16 am
Nope, that profile is real.

The scammer undoubtedly googled London doctors and copied the name of a real doctor. Scammers do that sometimes in order to fool more victims into thinking they are real. When the victim searches the name, they find a real person--it doesn't always occur to the victim that even though there is a real person, that may not be the person who he/she is communicating with.

The scammer has never met the real doctor, and doesn't know anything about him except what he can find online. The real doctor has absolutely nothing to do with the scam and has no control over scammers using his name.

If you emailed the real doctor's secretary, you might or might not get a response--your email might just be treated as spam. But you need to drop the scammer (who will soon be asking for money anyway.)

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by Arnold Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:26 am
The website was set in 2001 and is due for renewal in 2014, so certainly genuine as is the Dr Fields listed. Which means nothing as scammers often steal the identities of real people.
He is not involved and as Dotti said, there is no possibility whatsoever of this "job" offer being genuine. Its only purpose is to steal your money.
Last edited by Arnold on Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

by jolly_roger Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:06 pm
Just another small observation here... If you scroll to the top of this page to the search function and type in the word consultant. The results are incredible. The @consultant address is a favourite of the scammers because it makes them feel important. But in reality it's just a free address anyone can use.
by laleberlin Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:38 am
some days ago, I also got a message from that person, "Dr Paul Fields" - we just called the Hospital and talked to the real Doctor - and he said, that he got lots of callls from people,who asked whether he really is the one looking for an aupair. So be careful! I had a bad feeling from the first mail on, now, after the third mail, we started to check that.

So, I hope no one will walk into that trap!
by Arnold Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:59 am
Welcome to Scamwarners. He's certainly got better things to do at work taking those calls, but at least he's saving people from being scammed. It's yet another illustration of the fact that scammers don't care about the effects of their actions.

by ronyag0909 Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:30 am
I have joined this site to clear this up....My husband is Dr Paul Fields, he is a doctor and the google information is correct re his identity and place of work...BUT we are not looking for an aupair. His identity has been stolen and is being used by scammers. We have had 7 people so far contacting us so far thinking that he is trying to offer an au pair position. Hopefully this will clear this up and alert anyone else who may think its real will know its not. thanks
by Justin Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:41 am
Thank you for posting that! Scammers will sometimes impersonate a real person in order to add more credibility to their scam.

by ronyag0909 Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:51 am
Pleasure Justin...we are desperate for an end to it...my husband's secretary is inundated with emails and calls from all over the world from people thinking he is offering a job. The email is fake too [email protected] is not his email address. I have contacted easy aupair.com to tell them that it's a fake identity and have contacted SOCA the Serious Organised Crime Agency and given them all the information I have...fingers crossed
by Arnold Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:25 pm
SOCA won't and can't do anything about it, I'm afraid. Anonymous scammers working out of West African Internet cafes are untouchable as far as the UK police is concerned. International police operations are expensive, there are just too many scanners, and their local police is inefficient and possibly corrupt.

by siegs Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:16 am
I also received this same mail, same contract and same people involved who are scammers, merely using Dr. Fields name to victimize as you say. However, I have lots of speculations because, they are requiring me to pay a total of 450 sterling pounds to the UK British Immigration via Western Union Money Transfer, with the following details

Mrs. Brandy Alison.
United Kingdom- British Immigration
Lunar House, 40 Wellesley Road
Croydon, Surrey CR9 2BY
United Kingdom
Phone: +447031978982
Email: [email protected]

while on Mr. Barrs email was:

United Kingdom- British Immigration
Lunar House, 49 Wellesley Road
Croydon, Surrey CR9 2BY
United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]

take note of the 40 and the 49 Wellesley?

its tricky cause they really wanted to pay it via Western Union and to the UK Immigration.
How does this became a spam?

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