Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by maverick2012 Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:38 pm

I met someone named "Leroy Bryant" at Miumeet.com. He claimed to be a colonel of US Military who's stationed in Afghanistan. I'm posting here our chats (my personal details deleted) and emails from him, and his phony pics, in the hope that someone else doesn't get duped by this scumbag. The chats pretty much tell his "story" and his "MO." The alarm bells started ringing when this guy constantly asked me to send him a cellphone (high-end model!!!) and then hinted that I will need to pay a certain amount to get him a leave. When I got his emails, the alarm bells can no longer be ignored. Thankfully, he didn't get anything from me... whew!!

xxxxxx: how are you?
leroybryant65: I'm a bot stressed dear
leroybryant65: just got back to camp this morning
leroybryant65: was out all night
xxxxxx: why?
leroybryant65: field events
leroybryant65: survellance
xxxxxx: oic.. take a good rest to get rid of the stress :)
leroybryant65: yea but I cant now
leroybryant65: wanna chat with you
leroybryant65: I feel better with you
xxxxxx: good... thanks
xxxxxx: >:D<
leroybryant65: :-*
leroybryant65: I want your Lips now
leroybryant65: they are so cute
xxxxxx: can u get an office job in the military?
leroybryant65: thats what I'm doing now
leroybryant65: after fieldtrip I come into the office for radail abd data transmition
leroybryant65: thats whe I get to chat a little with you
xxxxxx: ic... would u rather do paper work or out in the field?
leroybryant65: Field dear
leroybryant65: I love to protect
xxxxxx: cool
xxxxxx: you're awesome ;)
xxxxxx: it must take a lot of courage to do your job
leroybryant65: yea
xxxxxx: how long have u been in the military?
leroybryant65: How do U find your job?
leroybryant65: 23yrs
xxxxxx: whoa... that's a very looong time #:-S
leroybryant65: Yeaa it is

. . . . . . . . .

xxxxxx: how about u? how do u like ur job?
leroybryant65: My job is my Life
leroybryant65: serve and protect
leroybryant65: thats the oath we made when joining the army
xxxxxx: what is it in your life experience that made you want to serve and protect?
leroybryant65: I lost my father at a very young age... the full protection was not there when my mother needed it most
xxxxxx: ic
xxxxxx: i thought of that
xxxxxx: what was the cause of your father's passing?
leroybryant65: car crash
xxxxxx: oh.. sorry about that
xxxxxx: your mom did not remarry?
leroybryant65: its ok
leroybryant65: Nope
xxxxxx: do you have any memory of your dad or you were too young to remember?
leroybryant65: I was 4yrs when he died
xxxxxx: ic... your mom must be a courageous woman to have raised you on her own
leroybryant65: yes and thats why I'm the only child
leroybryant65: Sorry dear... how old are you?
xxxxxx: i'm **
leroybryant65: good
xxxxxx: good? :-O
xxxxxx: you're not looking for some hot sexy vixen? :->
leroybryant65: b-)
leroybryant65: Nope
leroybryant65: I want something more serious
leroybryant65: matured. exposed, brilliant,independent and intelligent woman
leroybryant65: and I believe u have got all that
xxxxxx: wow thanks for your compliment :)
leroybryant65: yw
xxxxxx: can you take a break from work to travel?
leroybryant65: yes
leroybryant65: But there is a procedure that will have to be followed
xxxxxx: like what procedure?
xxxxxx: is it based on seniority?
leroybryant65: You will have to write mail to the department incharge of leave request
xxxxxx: ic
leroybryant65: requesting for a leave for me
xxxxxx: hey... by the way, what's your weight and height?
leroybryant65: Such request are not often granted but with meaningful statements you could get them concienced
leroybryant65: oops convienced
leroybryant65: authletic am average
xxxxxx: mmm.... it's a secret? :-$/:)
leroybryant65: Lol
leroybryant65: cant really say now cos I have lost some weight
leroybryant65: :(
xxxxxx: ok... how about the height then?
xxxxxx: :->
leroybryant65: 6.2ft
xxxxxx: oh gosh.... i'll barely reach your shoulder
xxxxxx: :D
leroybryant65: Lol
leroybryant65: thats good
leroybryant65: better and more sexy for u
leroybryant65: thought ladies like tall men
leroybryant65: HAHAHAHA

. . . . . . . . .

leroybryant65: Wow!!!!
leroybryant65: U cant Imagin how much I want that now
xxxxxx: yea... better file your leave request early :)
leroybryant65: ??
leroybryant65: I cant
leroybryant65: Officers cant
xxxxxx: mmmm..... then how can we see each other :-?
leroybryant65: its theree family, gf, wife, etec that can make such request
xxxxxx: i'm not going to afghanistan... ever! :D
leroybryant65: Lol
leroybryant65: you dont have to
leroybryant65: But U can write a leave request to the transit department
xxxxxx: mmm.... will they believe me since we've never even had any face to face meeting?
leroybryant65: Got disconnected
xxxxxx: wb
leroybryant65: ty
leroybryant65: So do u understand all I said about the request?
xxxxxx: yup
xxxxxx: i'll do that for you when we know each other better ;)
leroybryant65: yea that will be better
xxxxxx: so are u saying that you haven't take much time off work since u joined the military?
leroybryant65: taken sometime off.... But havent had anytime off since I'd been here
xxxxxx: oh ok
leroybryant65: So whatelse will you Love to know dear?
xxxxxx: lots ;)
leroybryant65: Thats why I would love to have a Mobile now
leroybryant65: We could chat often even calls.. that wil make us get closer more
xxxxxx: yea
xxxxxx: i can get u one but the fedex is expensive
leroybryant65: :(
xxxxxx: there's a guy in the military there that comes over time to time
xxxxxx: i wonder if you know him
leroybryant65: What division is he ??
xxxxxx: i'm not sure
leroybryant65: We have over 60,000 troops here
leroybryant65: diffrent batallion
xxxxxx: he's not out in the field
leroybryant65: different division
xxxxxx: he's in the office most of the time
leroybryant65: different combact team
xxxxxx: i'll ask him what division when i see him online
xxxxxx: no... he's not in combat
leroybryant65: So its not easy to know eachother here
xxxxxx: maybe u can track him down thru your personnel officer there
leroybryant65: Hey dearie
xxxxxx: i'm sure there's someone there who knows the location of each one of you
leroybryant65: My team is a special field team
leroybryant65: Might be somethings just any office officer will not know
leroybryant65: There is what will call COS
xxxxxx: what is COS?
leroybryant65: Thats the breakage from the top men to the govt to the ss to the casual officers to you the civilians
leroybryant65: Govt feed you with what you want to hear
leroybryant65: Not everyone in the Military knows all that is going on under ground
leroybryant65: Code of Secrecy (COS)
xxxxxx: yea but this guy is working there so it's not a secret where he is at a given time :-P
leroybryant65: I am letting much out of the bag for you dear
xxxxxx: he can't be tinkering with your computers without anyone knowing
leroybryant65: Cos I care
leroybryant65: Yea But there are Orders from pentagon...
xxxxxx: yea well i'll talk to him if he gets online
leroybryant65: Cos there is alittle we can get accross from here
xxxxxx: his family is here so he comes here time to time for a visit
leroybryant65: ok
xxxxxx: but don't u have fellow soldiers coming from the states who can bring u a mobile?
xxxxxx: or do they search your belongings when u land?
leroybryant65: No more troops coming now
leroybryant65: President Obama said he's getting troops out of here this month but we havent heard anything thing nor date yet
xxxxxx: oh
leroybryant65: and he cant just pull 60,000 troops out of here at once nor 2weeks
xxxxxx: yea that's sad :-<
xxxxxx: i'll check with my friend then
xxxxxx: but he comes like maybe only once or twice a year
leroybryant65: ok
leroybryant65: When you checked fedex,,,Did u check from Where u are to afghanistan?
xxxxxx: oh i haven't checked... but i know it'll cost something like $50 just to get anything out of here
leroybryant65: ok
xxxxxx: how much will it be if sent from the states?
leroybryant65: should be around that amount but u cant send here direct, you will have to send to the agent incharge
xxxxxx: oic
leroybryant65: then they will get it across to afgha
xxxxxx: mmm.... i take it that there's no shop there selling mobile phone?
leroybryant65: Cos it will go through scanning due to security reasons dear
leroybryant65: We are at the outsketch of town
leroybryant65: Not allowed to do all such
xxxxxx: can we do skype over the internet?
leroybryant65: This is a war Zone dear
leroybryant65: cant
xxxxxx: hu hu =((
leroybryant65: Sorry dear....
leroybryant65: Govt not approved of cam
leroybryant65: Thats why they gave us laptops without cams
xxxxxx: gee... you're like a prisoner in your own world :(
leroybryant65: If thats what U want to call it
leroybryant65: But they see it as a means of distraction from duty
xxxxxx: so this is how you've lived for the last 23 yrs?
leroybryant65: Even I shouldnt be chatting with you like this.. Its cos I'm a senior officer and I'm incharge of this computer
leroybryant65: junior officers dont have access to this
leroybryant65: nooooooooooo
xxxxxx: gee u shouldn't get yourself into trouble
leroybryant65: this is how I have lived in 11months
xxxxxx: i'm sure ur computer is being monitored :-S
leroybryant65: Will do anything just to be with you
xxxxxx: they'll have a way to install spyware without ur knowing it
leroybryant65: Nope
leroybryant65: But if there is any suspicious act.. they come to check some programmes and files on it
xxxxxx: hold on dear
leroybryant65: and then they can get all you have been doing on the computer
leroybryant65: thats why I told you we need the phone
leroybryant65: ok
leroybryant65: Sweetie I have to go now
leroybryant65: Missing you already
leroybryant65: chat with you soon
xxxxxx: ok sorry
xxxxxx: bye and chat soon :-h
leroybryant65: Bye
leroybryant65: do have a lovely day
leroybryant65: Mwah!

by maverick2012 Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:47 pm
xxxxxx: how many seasons are there in afghanistan?
leroybryant65: I will share some personal things with you as we get to know ourselves better
xxxxxx: sure... i've love to know u more
xxxxxx: but don't get me into trouble :->
xxxxxx: ok?
leroybryant65: what?
leroybryant65: Trouble dear
xxxxxx: well... don't tell me sensitive secrets or i might get into troube
leroybryant65: How do u mean?
xxxxxx: i don't want to know "too much" cause you're in the military
leroybryant65: No darling I understand what u mean .... its ok.. But I was just talking about my family history
leroybryant65: hope that aint too sensitive
leroybryant65: A wife needs to know how husbands stories
leroybryant65: Isnt it?
xxxxxx: yes sure
leroybryant65: good
xxxxxx: so there's still more to your family history other than what you've told me?
leroybryant65: yea sure
leroybryant65: but this is about me
leroybryant65: and my grandparents
leroybryant65: my mom is froma very wealthy background
xxxxxx: did you grow up with your grandparents?
leroybryant65: nope
xxxxxx: oh ok
leroybryant65: dont worry time will tell ok dear
xxxxxx: ok
leroybryant65: they never wanted my mom to get married to my dad
xxxxxx: oh
xxxxxx: what was it that your dad do?
xxxxxx: what was his job?
leroybryant65: american and british then
leroybryant65: he was business man
xxxxxx: oh so it's a racial thing?
leroybryant65: yea I guess then
xxxxxx: ic
xxxxxx: what about the british that your grandparents didn't like?
leroybryant65: Dad never cared about moms family
leroybryant65: he had his things going smoothly for him
leroybryant65: but the pride in moms family most especially her dad was the line btw everyone
xxxxxx: ur grandparents are patriots?
leroybryant65: my mom is british
leroybryant65: dad american
xxxxxx: oh... i thought it's the other way around
xxxxxx: so where did you grow up? states or UK?
leroybryant65: states
xxxxxx: so your mom moved to the states and met your dad there?
leroybryant65: but when dad died..... we moved to uk for 2yrs
leroybryant65: Mom never liked it there due to some family issues so we moved back to the states
leroybryant65: No they met in uk... Dad went for a business meeting
xxxxxx: u mean your grandparents were snotty people?
leroybryant65: if u say so
xxxxxx: are they still around?
leroybryant65: nio
leroybryant65: all gone
xxxxxx: did you have a personal relationship with your grandparents before they passed on?
leroybryant65: yea my grandfathers
leroybryant65: they both loved me so so much
xxxxxx: good
xxxxxx: u mentioned that your mom had a sister
xxxxxx: were u close to her?
leroybryant65: yes
xxxxxx: she din't have kids?
leroybryant65: the dispute was just btw my dad and my martanal grand father
xxxxxx: are u still bothered by their dispute?
leroybryant65: noo
xxxxxx: good
xxxxxx: i'm sure that whatever dispute that was, your grandparents must have had a change of heart when you came into this world
xxxxxx: since you said they loved you so much
leroybryant65: yea i guess
leroybryant65: was sad cos I was alone with Mom
leroybryant65: but later got so used to mom
leroybryant65: she was my best friend
leroybryant65: Still think about it and miss them all anyways
leroybryant65: with my late wife
xxxxxx: yea u have a sad story
xxxxxx: wish i can make it better for you
leroybryant65: I wish baby
leroybryant65: sweetie I have to go now
leroybryant65: nice chatting with you
xxxxxx: ok stay safe and chat soon
leroybryant65: hope to chat with you better soon
xxxxxx: ok bye
leroybryant65: just told u my family story
leroybryant65: I love U baby
leroybryant65: gota go now
leroybryant65: takecare of yourself my Love
leroybryant65: Mwah
leroybryant65: bye for now
by maverick2012 Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:52 pm
leroybryant65: So tell me baby..... like I said yesterday, We need to make our dreams come reality
leroybryant65: we need to make our wihses come to past
xxxxxx: yes... so how or what do u like for us to do??
leroybryant65: get to know much about eachother,
leroybryant65: need to know what and wht we do
xxxxxx: yes i agree
leroybryant65: constant communication as we cant be together for now
xxxxxx: yes
xxxxxx: can u get online more often for me?
leroybryant65: I'm trying my best baby and I will
leroybryant65: I dont want to go to that... thats why I talked about the phone then
leroybryant65: With the phone I can get to chat with you better...
leroybryant65: U know why?? Cos it will be with me all the time... Even when I cant talk or call,....... we can still chat I could takepics and send to you
leroybryant65: I could do lot and by that doing we get closer each monute and secs
xxxxxx: mmmmmm
xxxxxx: then perhaps u can ask a friend from the states to send me the money to buy it :)
leroybryant65: Sweetie I have my reasons asking U... If I have a friend that could by I would have asked ... Moreover it doesnt make any sense asking a friend to send to you to buy,,,... I could easily tell the friend to buy and send to me direct
xxxxxx: Oh =((
leroybryant65: :(
xxxxxx: darling, i'm sorry but i can't comply with your request at this time :(
xxxxxx: we'll have to make do with this means of communication if you like
leroybryant65: yea I know
leroybryant65: we have no choice dear
leroybryant65: Its better thn nothing
leroybryant65: oops than
xxxxxx: yea guess so
leroybryant65: Thanks anyways
leroybryant65: :)
by Arnold Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:53 pm
Welcome to Scamwarners. He's definitely a scammer. A colonel can certainly afford a high-end phone, and despite what scammers often claim, US military leave does not have to be paid for.
Can you post his email address please.

by maverick2012 Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:55 pm
Re: Hi
Thursday, August 18, 2011 9:58 AM
This sender is DomainKeys verified
"Leroy Bryant" <[email protected]>
Add sender to Contacts
"xxxxxxxxxxxx" <[email protected]>
Sweet magical mountain far from here i see,Take Me away so i'll no longer feel this air anymore....Let me linger in your love, surround me in your presence,let me frolick in your clouds and let me feel your gentle earth at my fingertips.Wash away my loneliness with the innocence of your love and let me forget that land from below.That land is contaminated but your heart is sweet Take me away oh from this stage of being alone, I need to be away from loneliess. Take me in your essence let me lay in your grass and engulf me in your Love But How can we trust love, and be sure it will last again? We gave our hearts to others, many times in the past. We shed many tears, and built many fears.
And now we're afraid to let our hearts go. Because of the pain we've come to know. But if we are to love again, we have to take the chance. And trust our hearts, our only guide, to find that true Romance. So if we hide the Rose from the light, we'll never see it grow. But if we plant it in the sun, we know the Rose will glow. So tear down the Iron Gate you built so high and open up the door. The love you find may be the kind, that you've been searching for. We know that deep within there is a special part.
And we know for love to live, there has to be a spark. And when that spark, grows to a flame. The heart we gave is never the same.

I Love U,
Leroy xoxo
by maverick2012 Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:57 pm
Re: Hi
Friday, August 19, 2011 7:32 AM
This sender is DomainKeys verified
"Leroy Bryant" <[email protected]>
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"xxxxxx" <[email protected]>
I am writing you this to let you know how much i cherish you and want you in my life.
Can you hear my hearts longing echoing quietly in your mind spanning the distance between us allowing my love to find. The one person I wish to share my heart my soul my life I long to hold you close to me And make my passionate wife. The years ahead hold promises although this beginning brings fear because no life is certain or ever free of tears but the best part of loving you is a sense of fulfillment so rare and the hope of each new tomorrow I awake to love you beyond compare. Honey I went to bed last night with a vision of you next to me. I slept like a baby all night, because I was not feeling alone. When I awoke this morning to see if it was real or if it was a dream, reality hit me that it was only a dream.
Very soon, I know that you will be right next me, and that I will not have to dream of it again because you will be right there so we can hold, hug and squeeze each other tight. Baby, I long to be there with you so I can help build you and that we can accomplish a whole lot together as husband and wife. Honey i hope to meet you up online soon.

Missing U,
Leroy xoxo
by maverick2012 Sat Sep 24, 2011 4:06 pm
This email would tie-up with the scammer's "story" about having a wealthy background. Suddenly and conveniently, an "attorney" gets into the picture with a supposed huge inheritance waiting for the scammer to claim. Apparently, this scammer is also trying to pull-off some sort of an advance fee scam.

Fw: Attorney Nasiru.........Your Late Father Attorney!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 6:49 PM
This sender is DomainKeys verified
"Leroy Bryant" <[email protected]>
Add sender to Contacts
[email protected]

--- On Tue, 7/26/11, [email protected] albud <[email protected]> wrote:

From: [email protected] albud <[email protected]>
Subject: Attorney Nasiru.........Your Late Father Attorney!
To: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, July 26, 2011, 1:26 PM

Hello Leroy,

My Name is Nasiru Albud I am your late Father's Attorney. We have some discussion before he past away , I guess you are little boy then. I have been instructed to release you his inheritance to you when you are 40 years. I believe you are already in that years or even above, so you are due for the inheritance to be delievered to you. Although there are some conditions attached to it which will be discussed as time goes on. Please feel free to write me as soon as you are ready for the process of the release.

Attorney Nasiru
by maverick2012 Sat Sep 24, 2011 4:12 pm
I have 2 pics that the scammer is using. How do I post the pics here?
by Justin Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:14 pm
Thank you for posting all this! It will help others avoid this scammer. Sorry you got involved with him and all his lies but glad you got suspicious before getting more involved.

You can go here for instructions on how to post the pictures.


by maverick2012 Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:34 pm
Here's photo #1 being used by this scammer. Ladies, please note that this scammer keeps a facebook account by the same name but don't be fooled by it.

by maverick2012 Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:38 pm
Here's photo # 2 . . . I had my suspicions early on because I noticed that the picture quality of the face is different from that of the body.

by Bubbles Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:08 am
The name on the uniform has been changed to match the story.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.

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