Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by debra Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:11 am
I need to know if he is a scammer, he pciked me up from Shaadi.com and indian site for marriage.

The name is Shawn Walters and engineer by profession/contractor
His email is [email protected]
and is telphone contact is +13204341788

Pleae may I know if he is a scammer before I go any further some mails from him :
26th Sept
My world turns into heaven when I found you. There so much happiness and joy knowing I have found my true love in you.I have been so glad and so proud your mine because you are one true person, so faithful and so loving.You are different from any other person that I knew before. So much honesty and beauty comes from within you. When people look at you, they would come to like you too. I hope you will never change. I hope you will stay the same 'cause I love the way you are.You are so amazing that you make me feel complete. I would not want any other person. I only want you in my life. I could not love anyone because my heart only cries for you.
I would be useless and worthless in this world, no reason to live any longer if you are not here with me, if you will leave me.Loving you is my joy. I promise I will not exchange you for anything.You are my hope and my dream that is coming true...please do write back.

Cheers with lots of love.

27th Sept
Hello Deb,
I am so happy the your daughter is now well cause i have been worried after we spoke the other day and i kept writing you to know how she is doing but you never replied.....God is just so good cause he said in his word that with him all things are possible and that he is the God of all flesh is there anything too hard for him to do.....i have missed you so much cause i do come online to see if i'm gonna meet you online.......please do write me often cause your mail is a life saver and here is my pic and i hope you will like it...
Cheers with lots of love.


by Arnold Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:34 am
Sorry Debra, he's a scammer. Romance scammers often claim to be engineers, but what makes it absolutely certain is an Internet search on some of the text. Google has 403 hits on "I would be useless and worthless in this world".
Click here.
Apart from the material stolen from the Internet, I expect the rest of his emails consists of much worse English.

by Bubbles Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:07 pm
Welcome to ScamWerners debra. Because you are emailing a scammer, the best thing to do is to stop communicating with him immediately. Do not tell him you know he is a scammer, just drop him and do not look back. Nothing good will come of staying in contact.

We are glad you asked. Please feel free to ask any other questions.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.

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