by DrFaroohk
Mon May 11, 2009 8:40 pm
Hi all, first time poster, figured I needed to do some research. Got a letter in the mail today from "Research Now Plc.", offering a job mystery shopping. They enclosed a check for almost 4,000 dollars with instructions to send most of it to one of five people on a list, spend another hundred or so whereever I want, and I get to keep 400 dollars.
I'm not stupid, and this seems really really fishy, however this company is apparently an accredited business in the Better Business Bureau, however I imagine it's easy enough to pretend to work there and in reality have nothing to do with them. I suppose it's POSSIBLE it's the real deal and I'd hate to pass it up. Of course I'd hate to get stuck with a counterfeit check and the bill for 4 grand too.
I'm not stupid, and this seems really really fishy, however this company is apparently an accredited business in the Better Business Bureau, however I imagine it's easy enough to pretend to work there and in reality have nothing to do with them. I suppose it's POSSIBLE it's the real deal and I'd hate to pass it up. Of course I'd hate to get stuck with a counterfeit check and the bill for 4 grand too.