Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Chris123 Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:07 am
hello there,
do anyone know the page http://www.aupair-world.net/ ?There's a registered family which has a premium account, that means, they pay for their account so that if they are interested in an Aupair, they write them and they are allowed to send them their Email address, otherwise you couldn't see any Email address or other contact adress. A family from Australia contacted me a few days ago and they have a premium account.
We already wrote a lot and I don't really know, if she is real. But the thing is, she don't demand any money from me! And that is what really confused me. She seems to be really interested in me and she wants me to book my flight and get my visa for Australia.
I really need your help! I am also interested in her, but I don't know if this is fake and if I come to Australia and there is no family at all, what should I do?!

Here are the first Emails of us (my email is red and her's blue)

> I talked with my mum and she would help me to pay the flight ticket!
> If you are interested in me, just tell me when do you want me to start and
> I can begin at any time.
> Sincerely,
Personal details removed. - CW

I am very interesred. I see you have a license. Can you drive a manual

> Hi,
> I do have my own car. So I drive nearly every day and it is a manual car.
> Til yet nobody complained about my driving skills and if I do have to
> drive children, I would drive of course more safer.
> But I don't know if the cars in your country are a bit different then
> here. And I see, that you are driving on the left side, like in the UK.
> Well in that case, maybe I need at first to learn how to drive on the left
> side, because I am righty... But I think, that would be no problem for me.
> I have a question about the Visa. Do I have to contact the consulate here
> in Germany or are you able to manage it by yourself there? Because I have
> no idea how to get the visa. Therefor I have to ask a friend of mine, who
> already have been there for a year.
> And when do you want me to begin? I can start at any time you want. I
> would like to begin as fast as possible!
> Best regards,
Personal details removed. - CW

That sounds great. The visa you organise from your end. Your friend should
be able to assist if he has done it. You have to apply from your end.

You may need my details:

[host's personal details]

The start date would be the end of October or the 1st 2nd of November.

Let me know how you go.

> Hey,
> I'd be grateful if you could send me some pictures of your home!
> I searched for flight tickets and the cheapest tickets are around 18-21 of
> October and after that, they get more expensive. So is it ok for you if I
> begin to that time?
> And how long do you want me to stay with you? There are two different visa
> for us. The one, which I only can stay for 6 months with your family or
> the one, which I am able to stay longer. For 12 Months or even longer.
> Well my first thought was, that I wish to stay only for 6 months, because
> I want to study next year in April if I'll get a place in an university,
> but that is not sure. So if I won't get a place, I would like to stay
> longer than till April... My friend couldn't help me either, because he
> was on a Work and Travel trip there and he don't know how to arrange the
> things for Aupair.
> At first it really sounds so easy to become an AuPair in Australia, but
> there are lots of requirements. Like the Visa or the health insurance.
> Could you please help me out with this? Maybe only the part of the
> regulation of my health insurance. If I'm not mistaken, I will be insured
> with your family, because being an Aupair is being a part of your family.
> Am I right?
> I am sorry that I am not informed of the requirements about the Aupair
> program in Australia...
> Best regards,
Personal details removed. - CW


This is the pool area and the beach which is not far from our house.

Yes six months would be fine.

The 21st of October would also be fine. I will chat with xxxx when you
confirm your flights and visa.

If everything works out and we all get along then I see no reason why you
would not be able to stay longer as it creates stability for the kids.

As I previously said there is a chance we will be transferring to xxxxxx
which is on the coast and 40 min from xxxxxx with road and train
travel very accessible. It is a beautiful place as well. The island has
35,000 people and is connected to the mainland via bridge.

I hope all this sounds good for you.

^> Hey,
> thank you for the fotos!
> Ok.
> Are you really sure, you want me as your Aupair?
> If so, I will call the Australian consulate tomorrow, because today is
> holiday and ask them for my visa and everything elese. And also I will
> book my flight ticket for the 20 October.
> Is there a chance you could cover insurance for me in Australia? As I said
> in my last Email, I will become a "new" member of your family and a part
> of your health insurance.
> Everything sounds good for me, if I can go away from here and get some
> distraction of my situation here!
> I hope, I won't disappoint you!
Personal details removed. - CW

All is good. Get ur visa and book ur flight. Please let me know asap and I
will tell the other au pair!! I think germany has reciprocated medical
cover so that is all good.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Could this person be real?!

by Helen Halper Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:32 am
Hi Chris123!
This certainly seems like it could be legit. She shows up here with the same phone number: http://bribieseniors.info/Local-Tradesmen.php
Please post the headers of the emails that you have received and we can try to see where the messages are being sent from.

by Chris Fuller Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:35 am
Au pair scammers also pay for full membership of au pair websites, so Premium Membership is not a guarantee that a host family is genuine.

Having said that, however, as Helen says, this offer shows no sign of being a scam.

Yes, it is always a risk to go to strangers in a different country, and you will need to take all the usual precautions, including having contact numbers and a back-up plan should nothing work out the way you hope it will. Only you, however, can decide whether you trust this family enough to take this risk - maybe you need to speak to them more on the phone or webcam, or have another wise adult speak to them also before you make up your mind?

Thank you for posting all details about this offer - that was the right thing to do. Because there are no signs of a scam, however, I will now protect the privacy of the host family by obscuring their details.
by Chris123 Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:40 am
This offer really shows no sign of being a scam, but how can I prove, that they are real?!
I told her, that I am not sure, if she is real and so I need a guarantee to prove she is real. Like a scan of her ID or passport, but in her next mail it's like she didn't recognize my claim.

just look at it:

> hey,
> which destination airport schould I choose? The one in Townsville or the
> one in Brisbane? When do you move to Brisbane? Before I'll come or after?
> And what do you mean you will tell the other Aupair?
> You just have to tell me, if you are now willing to take me as your Aupair
> or not, then I will 100% manage everything to get to Australia and to your
> family!
> And the thing about the Visa. I will contact the embassy of Australia here
> in Germany and ask them for information.
> Much to my regret I have to say this. I need any guarantee that this is
> not a joke, because in the last few days I received so many messages of
> families which turn out to be scams! I am sorry about this and I don't
> want to describe you as a scam, but safety goes first! You as an officer
> maybe understand this!
> What guarantee can you give me?
> I get an advice from someone and he told me, ask for a scan of their
> identification or their passport to be sure, they are real!
> I don't want to book my flight and come over to Australia and recognize,
> the family doesn't exist...

Yes all is good I just need to make sure you have your visa organised. The
job is yours you are first in line, I have two other interested and have to
let them know ASAP so that I do not mess them around.

Townsville is the airport you need to fly into. You will have a short stop
at Brisbane then onto a domestic flight to here.

I look forward to your arrival.

Let me know. (Did you get the pictures?)

xxxx and the boys.

I told her a few messages ago, she should send me pictures of her home. The pictures look quite normal, but it only shows their swimmingpool and the beach around their home...

I really don't know what to do and this is my big chance to get out of my tired life here^^

Here is the email she uses: [removed for the family's privacy, as this shows no sign of being an advance fee scam - CF]
by Justin Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:57 am
If it was me I would request a video chat on Skype or similar with the whole family present. It is not an unreasonable request and someone offering a legitimate Au Pair position should feel better abou hiring someone that is concerned about their safety. It would show responsibility a trait I would want in someone watching my children.

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