Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Terminator5 Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:05 pm
The source host name is "41-184-22-22.rv.ipnxtelecoms.com" and the source IP address is

Geo-Location Information

Country Nigeria

City Lagos

From: \"[email protected]\" <[email protected]>

Reply-To: [email protected]

Begin Scam Email:

Hello, Good Day,

Be Kindly informed that the sum of $1.2 million out of your over-due total
inheritance sum
has been approved for payment through ATM cash payment system
after all attempts to pay you through bank,diplomatic and courier had
failed. The
approved sum will be programmed into ATM cash card and dispatched to your
However,attempts had been made to contact you and this is the 3rd and
perhaps the
last email to you in respect of this matter.Now We have received a power
of attorney
from one Jack Wong from USA, asking us to Change the beneficiary to him
stating that
you have been sentenced to life imprisonment on account of your criminal
activities.Hence we are seeking for your clarification via this medium.He
has also
submitted his account for us to transfer the funds to him.Mr Wong's account
co-ordinates are thus stated below:-
Bank: Bank of America
1121 N 205th St, Shoreline, NY 98133.
Bank routing number: 125000024.
Bank account number: 7319678806.
Account Holder's name: Jack Wong
Therefore we want to clarify from you before we can make the transfer and
also to
confirm if his claim of your life imprisonment is true or not.
If you Mr Wong's claims are wrong,you should immediately contact Mr Johnson
Moor and provide your personal information to enable her to process and
your approved funds to you.Mr Roger Williams Email
is:([email protected])
Your Full
Your Delivery
Your Current
Your Age........................................................
Your Phone/ Mobile........................................................
Your Private
Thanks for your co-operation as we look forward to receiving your urgent
Yours respectfully,

End Scam Email

Daniel 8 :25

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