I have just picked up on the opening line of the first email posted above
Three days ago, we were alerted on the sudden presence of some Terrorists camping in a suburb
The reason I picked this phrase because if anybody were to receive this email they would instantly see that if somebody else got the same email on a different day it would be obvious that they are not telling the truth
So, how do we find if anybody else has received the same email?
Quite easy, do some searches, following is a search on that quote above
Click Here you will see how many times the same email has been reported as a scam
The name may change and the date may change but it is all the same scam
Just adding that many victims fall for this same scam and once they have paid the first fee they may feel as though they are trapped.
The fees will often progressively get bigger, they will continue to come and every time you are told it will be the last fee another comes along
To a victim who is well entrenched in this scam, they are reminded of how far they have gone (The scammers way to say "look how much money you have already paid, just another $5,000 and it will be finalised) and the victim then has to face that all too familiar choice again, do I send more money or give up on the money already sent? unfortunately the second option just seems so much more appealing.
I have dealt with a few victims like this and for them, realising and admitting to themselves that they have been scammed is a very big step they are so reluctant to take.
To take that step means they are no longer about to be rich but instead just another scam victim.
If anybody does find themselves in this situation, please, these scammers will not give up until the day you die if you let them, they will ruin not only your life but also the lives of your family and friends as they ask you to sell assets, borrow of family or steal off friends, they dont care how you get the money, they only care about stealing from you.
Editing to add
This scammer is also cumunicating with me and has now produced the following identification to try to prove his identity
Scammers often ask their victims to send identification and when they do, this is how they use them, to try to convince people that they are real, if you still believe it is legitimate, why not ask the local police or fraud squad
The passport looks legitimate to me, but the person who owns the passport is in no way involved with this scam, he is simply another victim of the same scammer