Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by shagbob Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:47 am
I received an e-mail claiming that a gentlemen needed money to support a soccer team. I sent $80,000. and he is now asking for more money in order to get his money out of a bank where it is supposedly on deposit.
The persons name is supposedly Randy Redfords and he is suppose to be a soccer agent in the UK. Also, when I sent the money I signed an agreement saying that he would repay the loan when he got his money out of the bank.
The Attorneys name was supposedly Gibson Commerce in London. The address he gave was: 80 Lewisham High Street, SE 6 QC, London England. I checked and there is such an address but noone in the UK by that name.
I am afraid that I have been scammed.
If anyone has any information on this or anything similar please send it to me at [removed for privacy - please post on thread or PM shagbog instead- CF].

Thank You,

by Arnold Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:03 am
Welcome to Scamwarners. sending out emails asking for money, then asking for more to release money from a bank account is typical advance fee fraud, so I've no doubt you've been scammed. Sorry.
Can you post the email please, preferably with the headers. - www.ip-adress.com/faq/view_email_header/
Delete your personal details for your own safety. a moderator will delete your email address from your post shortly, as anyone who wants to contact you can send a PM. .

by Justin Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:17 am
Hello shagbob,

That address appears to be a banks address. As Arnold said we will be able to help more if you can post the emails. From what you have said so far this does not sound good. How did you send the money?


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