Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:23 pm
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Content preview: Dear Beneficiary, This is to let you know that we have received
an instruction from the United Nation by orders of the Ministry of Finance,
Federal Republic of Benin to release your Approved payment of US$5.5 Million
Dollars via UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD which you will use to withdraw your US$5.5
Million Dollars from any ATM Machine in any part of the world. I must thank
you and assure you that UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD number 527 478364 4673648
748; has been approved and upgraded in your favor this morning. The amount
upgraded in the ATM CARD is US$5.5 Million Dollars and your secret pin number
is 1964, Right now, Invitation have been extended to you to visit UBA BANK
Benin Republic to collection of your UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD and PIN NUMBER
so that you can activate it by yourself and start withdrawing funds from
any ATM Machine in your country but the amount you can withdraw in a day is
$10,000,as we have programmed it. Alternatively, if you are unable to visit
UBA BANK Federal Republic of Benin for collection of this your UBA BANK ATM
VISA CARD and PIN NUMBER, you must therefore apply for the UBA BANK ATM VISA
CARD and PIN NUMBER to be sent to you via our diplomatic courier service
at your own expenses by offsetting the following payments such as; 1) Shipment
fee of the UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD to your address amounting to US$20.00.2)
Insurance Coverage of the UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD amounting to USU S$26.00.
Both payments totaling the sum of US$96.00 must be paid to enable us ship
the UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD to your address to enable you start withdrawing
your US$5.5 Million Dollars from any ATM machine in any part of the world.
This UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD must be insured so that it can get to you without
any problem and diversion. This is because this ATM CARD that can be use
to withdraw funds from any ATM Machine in every part of the world. So, if
you cannot come to UBA BANK of Federal Republic of Benin for collection of
your UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD, you must therefore kindly go right now and send
this shipment and [...]
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-0.5 RP_MATCHES_RCVD Envelope sender domain matches handover relay domain
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0.7 MIME_HTML_ONLY BODY: Message only has text/html MIME parts
0.4 HTML_MIME_NO_HTML_TAG HTML-only message, but there is no HTML tag
0.0 LOTS_OF_MONEY Huge... sums of money
1.6 MONEY_ATM_CARD Lots of money on an ATM card
2.1 FREEMAIL_FORGED_REPLYTO Freemail in Reply-To, but not From
0.0 ADVANCE_FEE_4_NEW Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
0.1 ADVANCE_FEE_5_NEW Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
0.8 ADVANCE_FEE_3_NEW Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
0.0 ADVANCE_FEE_4_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
0.0 ADVANCE_FEE_5_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
0.0 ADVANCE_FEE_3_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
1.0 ADVANCE_FEE_2_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
0.4 MONEY_FRAUD_5 Lots of money and many fraud phrases
0.5 MONEY_FRAUD_8 Lots of money and very many fraud phrases
0.0 MONEY_FRAUD_3 Lots of money and several fraud phrases
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Dear Beneficiary,
This is to let you know that we have received an instruction from the United Nation by orders of the Ministry of Finance, Federal Republic of Benin to release your Approved payment of US$5.5 Million Dollars via UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD which you will use to withdraw your US$5.5 Million Dollars from any ATM Machine in any part of the world.
I must thank you and assure you that UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD number 527 478364 4673648 748; has been approved and upgraded in your favor this morning. The amount upgraded in the ATM CARD is US$5.5 Million Dollars and your secret pin number is 1964, Right now, Invitation have been extended to you to visit UBA BANK Benin Republic to collection of your UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD and PIN NUMBER so that you can activate it by yourself and start withdrawing funds from any ATM Machine in your country but the amount you can withdraw in a day is $10,000,as we have programmed it.
Alternatively, if you are unable to visit UBA BANK Federal Republic of Benin for collection of this your UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD and PIN NUMBER, you must therefore apply for the UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD and PIN NUMBER to be sent to you via our diplomatic courier service at your own expenses by offsetting the following payments such as;
1) Shipment fee of the UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD to your address amounting to US$20.00.2) Insurance Coverage of the UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD amounting to USU S$26.00.
Both payments totaling the sum of US$96.00 must be paid to enable us ship the UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD to your address to enable you start withdrawing your US$5.5 Million Dollars from any ATM machine in any part of the world. This UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD must be insured so that it can get to you without any problem and diversion. This is because this ATM CARD that can be use to withdraw funds from any ATM Machine in every part of the world.
So, if you cannot come to UBA BANK of Federal Republic of Benin for collection of your UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD, you must therefore kindly go right now and send this shipment and insurance fee of US$96.00 via Western Union Money transfer or money gram transfer with the details below and write your MTCN number and your sender name bellow down;
Receiver's name..SUNDAY ONYIBOR
Country.. Benin Republic
City .. Cotonou
Text Question..When
Text Answer..Now
Amount $96 only
As soon as the fee is received, we shall immediately dispatch the UBA BANK ATM VISA CARD to you and it will take only 2 days to arrive to your address to enable you start withdrawing funds that same day from any ATM machine nearest to you. Thanks for your understanding and waiting for your quick reply and the payment information.
Yours in service.
ATM Manager,
UBA BANK Benin Republic
Email ( [email protected] )
Make sure that you contact on above email

Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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