Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Terminator5 Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:10 am
The source host name is "41-184-16-121.rv.ipnxtelecoms.com" and the source IP address is

Geo-Location Information

Country Nigeria

City Lagos

From: Johnson Moor [email protected]


+44 7045791682

Begin Scam Email:

Natwest Bank Plc London UK.
Natwest Banl Towesr, 45 Fulham Broadway,
SW6 1AG, United Kingdom.
E-mail: [email protected]
Tell: +447-0457-91682

Attn: xxxxxx


This is to bring to your notice that, we are stillwaiting for your compliance towards the document TRANSFER FORM which was sentto you for your filling to enable us proceed with immediate effect inperfecting the release of your fund which some people has been trying to claim.

I wish to use this opportunity bring to your noticealso that, we have stooped every proceedings towards the demands of thesepeople pending when we have received signal from you, but your inability tocomply with our rules and regulation is not helping us both in arresting themfor their illegal act.

You are hereby advised to treat this email today withutmost understanding and respect so to enable us carry out our obligationswithout delay.

Kindly find the attached file in this email for thedocument TRANSFER FORM and fill it and return it back that will enable us carryout our obligations for further release / transfer of your fund without anyfurther delay.
Thanks as you comply immediately.
Yours Faithfully
Brian Casey.

End Scam Email

Attached Document "Transfer Form(2).jpg . Fake National Westminster Bank Certificate.

Daniel 8 :25

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