Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:44 pm
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Subject: From Attorney
To: Recipients <[email protected]>
From: hans fuchs <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 00:31:18 +0100
Reply-To: [email protected]
X-Spam-Subject: ***SPAM*** From Attorney
X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=8.1
X-Spam-Score: 81
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Content preview: I am barrister Hans Fuchs,I have an immediate business proposal
that involves £42,000,000.00 Forty-Two Million Pounds which we will like
to invest under your custody. Once you notifying me of your interest. Barrister
H.Fchs. [...]
Content analysis details: (8.1 points, 7.0 required)
pts rule name description
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2.7 RCVD_IN_PSBL RBL: Received via a relay in PSBL
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0.8 BAYES_50 BODY: Bayes spam probability is 40 to 60%
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0.0 LOTS_OF_MONEY Huge... sums of money
1.0 ADVANCE_FEE_2_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
X-Spam-Flag: YES

I am barrister Hans Fuchs,I have an immediate business proposal that involves £42,000,000.00 Forty-Two Million Pounds which we will like to invest under your custody. Once you notifying me of your interest.
Barrister H.Fchs.

Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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