Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by youjo king Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:12 am
Hi, can anyone tell me if this is a scam,or just phishing/spam.

It's obviously not from paypal,so the only thing I can think of is that it could be a virus if you clicked on the link.

Here's the header followed by the actual e-mail because it's all in code on the message source page:-"in red"

IP tracker gave the location as canada ?

Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; sender-id=temperror (sender IP is header.from="[email protected]"; dkim=none header.d=jaewu.com; x-hmca=none
X-Message-Status: s1:0:n
X-SID-PRA: PayPal <"[email protected]">
X-DKIM-Result: None
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Received: from mail.shawcable.com ([]) by BAY0-MC1-F28.Bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4900);
Tue, 25 Oct 2011 01:38:11 -0700
Received: from bpd2mi4no-svcs.prod.shawcable.com ([])
by bpd2mo2no-ssvc.prod.shawcable.com with ESMTP; 25 Oct 2011 02:38:10 -0600
X-Cloudmark-SP-Filtered: true
X-Cloudmark-SP-Result: v=1.1 cv=W1EbViUdRLrB3xZls61b9cpNy9JNgdRUyrcMJe3sx/g= c=1 sm=1
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X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="4.69,403,1315202400";
Received: from unknown (HELO bpd2mi4no-cmts.prod.shawcable.com) ([])
by bpd2mi4no-cmts.prod.shawcable.com with ESMTP; 25 Oct 2011 02:37:58 -0600
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
X-reinject: true
Received: from unknown (HELO User) ([])
by bpd2mi4no-dmz.prod.shawcable.com with SMTP; 25 Oct 2011 02:37:43 -0600
From: "PayPal"<"[email protected]">
Subject: Receipt for Your Payment to Skype
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 15:44:00 +0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000
Return-Path: "[email protected]"
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 25 Oct 2011 08:38:11.0236 (UTC) FILETIME=[6DB69E40:01CC92F1]

Receipt for Your Payment to Skype?

Reply ?


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Attachments, pictures and links in this message have been blocked for your safety.
Show content | Always show content from "[email protected]"
You sent a payment of 45.99 GBP to Skype "[email protected]"
Thanks for using PayPal. To see all the transaction details, log in to your PayPal account.

It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account.
"[email protected]"
Instructions to merchant
You haven't entered any instructions.
Shipping address - Unconfirmed
United Kingdom
Postage details
The seller hasn’t provided any postage details yet.
Description Unit price Qty Amount
Online Number, 3 month subscription
45.99 GBP 1 45.99 GBP
Subtotal 45.99 GBP
Total 45.99 GBP
Payment 45.99 GBP
Payment sent to "[email protected]"
Issues with this transaction?
If you haven't authorized this charge, open a dispute at:

"https://www.paypal.co.uk/helpcenter/claimrefunds" and get a full refund.

Any person who by any false pretence, and with intent to defraud, obtains from any other person anything capable of being stolen, or induces any other person to deliver to any person anything capable of being stolen, is guilty of a felony.

by Gus Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:03 am
this looks like a phishing email to me. usually the link will go to a fake paypal page resembling the real thing, and they hope people will try and log in using their real paypal details to investigate this apparent transaction they have not really made.
by Bubbles Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:06 pm
Please follow these instructions to report phishing:
PayPal wrote:Phishing is an illegal attempt to "fish" for your private, sensitive data. If you believe you've received a phishing email, follow these steps right away:

1. Forward the entire email to [email protected].
2. Do not alter the subject line or forward the message as an attachment.
3. Delete the suspicious email from your email account.

We'll send you an email response to let you know if the email is indeed fraudulent. In the meantime, don't click on any links or download any attachments within the suspicious email.

To report a fake PayPal (spoof) website follow these instructions:
PayPal wrote:Phishing emails often lead you to fake or "spoof" websites in an attempt to steal your private, sensitive data. If you believe you've arrived at a spoof website, do not enter any information.

All you have to do is copy and paste the site's Web address (e.g., http://www.we382eu.com) and share it with us here. With this simple action, you'll be helping to keep our entire community safe.

Large firms are real quick to pull down phishing ans spoofs.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
by youjo king Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:19 am
Cheers Bubbles,
I've done that,hopefully paypal will pull the site down now,
Thanks for the help.

Any person who by any false pretence, and with intent to defraud, obtains from any other person anything capable of being stolen, or induces any other person to deliver to any person anything capable of being stolen, is guilty of a felony.

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