Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by TorontoLawyer Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:47 pm
From: "Ma. Lailani Trillanes" <[email protected]>
Date: 2009/06/01 Mon PM 07:57:11 EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Greetings From:Ma. Lailani Trillanes

Greetings From:Ma. Lailani Trillanes

Dear Partner,

I am Ma. Lailani Trillanes, a native
of philippine nationality. I would
like to have a long lasting and confidant
relationship with you if possible
entrustingmy life time fortune into your

As now I am broken hearted and needs someone
to trust,without remembering my past and forsaken
experiences from close confidants and family.
I need someone who would take me for whom
I am and as a life time partner.well, from your
profile I believe in me that you ought to
be a very honest person. I would like to give you
a brief description of my life.

I am the sister of senator Antonio Fuentes Trillanes,
who was arrested and since detained by the government
forces on the 29th day of November 2007. You may wish to
update yourself with more information of my family,official
pictures and news about my brother here:

But not quite long, I was also arrested along with my
brother,now I have been released and I am under security
watch by the present government of Madam Gloria Arroyo.
All I want from you is to assist me make claims of some
funds, he did deposited with a diplomatic vault in abroad,
the Amount being deposited is much about 18.2 million euros.
All I want from you is honesty and sincerity,
as soon as this money is claimed by you, I will
advise you on how to wire some me to me here in
Philippine to enable me pay off the chief justice
for his demand in getting my brother out of prison.
And then fly over to meet you. I wait your reply
for more details.

Sincerely yours,

Ma. Lailani Trillanes

by Holly Brown Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:00 pm
Thanks for posting this, TorontoLawyer. :D

Now when people search on her name (actually, this is probably a male using a female identity) they will find this posting and know it's a scam.

This is a combination of romance scam and classic Next of Kin Advance Fee Fraud. The scammer can take the scam in almost any direction, depending on what part of the original script the victim falls for the most. ;)

[email protected] if you want to ask me more questions.
by Arnold Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:01 am
Typical scam.
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Sent out in bulk. While there are legitimate reasons for bulk email, this purports to have been sent to you alone.
You may wish to update yourself with more information of my family,official
pictures and news about my brother here:

Scammers often build their scams round real events.
diplomatic vault

Lads really like diplomats. On their planet, diplomats do nothing but move large sums of cash round the world.

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