Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Terminator5 Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:58 am
Source IP Address

Host name:

Country: Nigeria

Country code: NG

City: Abuja

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

+234 8063330559

Begin Scam Email:

Dearest good Friend ........ "Assalaamu 'Alaykum"

Is been a month now after our last conversation on phone. ... So how are you today? ... Hope you are good. ... Well, this is to inform you that I and some other Senior Army Officers of Mummar Gaddafi are now out of Tripoli Libya with our families because of the sudden death of Mummar Gaddafi and the current invention and capture of all the cities by the NTC and its aligns. Therefore, i have taken my own family to Abuja the Capital city of Nigeria while myself have decided to escape and hide in Tanzania for security reason. I dont want to stay with my family there in Abuja Nigeria to avoid suspision or arrest by anyone that is why i decided to settled in Tanzania. Besides, I am still down very happy and grateful for all your efforts in helping me get and transfer the USD$50 million out of Libya before the Government of American, NATO or the opposition government could consficate it as they are now doing to President Muammar Gaddafi family funds and other Cabinet Officers fund right there in Libya.

Therefore, am offering you 20% of the USD$50 Million we tranfered which is USD$10,000,000.(Ten Million USD Dollars) based on our initial agreed and acceptable percentage(20%). This is in my deep appreciation, gratitude and reward for all your honest and sincere effort especially the huge money you spent while attempting to help me obtain the necessary papers and documents required by the Bank on the fund transfer process. .... You are a true and reliable friend indeed. Without your help and assistance, i would have been in a mess by now. .. So am down greatful to you!

However, I will not have to transfer the USD$10,000,000 (Ten Million Dollas) am offering you into your Bank Account direct to avoid anyone especially the Government of America, NATO or NTC my country from tracing/monitoring it. Rather, I will send you an ATM SWIFT CARD issued by HSBC INTERNATION BANK OF Brazil where my own fund was successfully transfered for safe keeping. The ATM CARD SERIAL CODE NUMBER IS - 4270 1211 0557 9417 WHILE THE SECRET CODE NUMBER WILL COME WITH THE ATM CARD FOR SECURITY REASONS). You can use the ATM SWIFT CARD to withdraw or pull money in any ATM Machine/Volt anywhere in the World without anyone knowing about it but the highest amount you can withdraw/pull each day is USD$50,000 (Fifty thousand Dollars). My Bank Account Officer advised me that it is an easy,simple and secret way of sending huge fund this days without anyone tracing or monitoring it. So dont ever share or reveal the Serial Code number or the secret Code number to anyone once you get the ATM CARD.

So whenever you got this email, do endeavour to contact my new secretary Mr.Kazeem Suleman right there in Abuja Nigeria where my family is presently residing with your (A).Full Contact Name, (B).Mobile Phone Number (C).You contact mailing information where he will send/direct the ATM SWIFT CARD to you. You should ask him to send you the ATM SWIFT CARD which I gave him. He did not know any of the Code Numbers above. So please dont reveal it to him.

His Contact Information is as Below:

Contact Name: Mr.Kazeem Suleman
His Email Addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
His Phone number: +2348063330559

NOTE: "Send your reply to all his three emails listed above to be sure he got it"

But please! please!! and please!!! don't reveal my real true information or identity to him(My Secretary) or anyone else to avoid suspision because we dont know who to trust. Therefore, I will be very glad if you keep this secret of fund transfer transaction between just two of us only without letting anyone know about it.

Finally, please! please!! and please!!! don't bother to call or email me back/again after this very email because I have already blocked my phone line and email from any contact coming outside the shores of Tanzania. I want to avoid any phone call or email for my safty and the safty of my sweet and loving family. I and my family will not come back to Libya again to avoid arrest by the NTC. Until then.

My warm regards to your Loving Family.

Capt.Abdul-Hafiz Omar.

End Scam Email

Daniel 8 :25

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