Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Terminator5 Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:22 pm
The source IP address is

Geo-Location Information

Country Benin

City Cotonou

From: Mrs. Gloria Glotoro [email protected]

Reply-To: [email protected]



Begin Scam Email:

Perladge Building Bp.1132.Avkp Cotonuo du Benin Rep
Tel; +229 9519681 Fax; +229; 20802889.
E-mail;[email protected]

Attn: Beneficiary:

We write to notify to you of a Government decision issued after the inauguration of 26.members of the National Committee restating all out standing Government allocated grant beneficiaries who have not receive their[A.T.M/WESTERN UNION/MONEY GRAM/CONTRACTS/INHERITANCE] payment from 2006 till date are hereby with drawn for cancellation. As a result of the ongoing internet violations by hoodlums and other independent corrupt ghost operators from our region.

However we deem on more comprehensive and secured to commence further remittance with a Government approved paying agent after an intercontinental cross examination on your beneficiary and transparent verification on your acclaimed details in conjunction with Central banque (BCEAO) du Benin. This method will stand against further financial heavy harm.

This decision was degree in august among African nations to pay all outstanding beneficiaries on the above underlined before the end of this quarter. Recipients of this email are eligible to reconfirm Names/Age/Address/cell phone and profession to this commission on the above address for cross examination and beneficiary transparent verification. This notice is from the (CEDEAO) Africaine union.

I remain,
Jacob.I.Jidah.llb (KSJ)

Mrs. Gloria Glotoro

End Scam Email

Daniel 8 :25

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