Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Terminator5 Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:30 pm
The source host name is "41-184-128-70.rv.ipnxtelecoms.com" and the source IP address is

Geo-Location Information

Country Nigeria

City Lagos


From: Dr Moyo [email protected]

Reply-To: [email protected]

Begin Scam Email:

Mr.N. Moyo,
Chief Operating Officer,
Tel:+ 234-8168632405


I am Mr.N. Moyo, the Chief Operating Officer, African Development
Bank(ADBG).This is to bring to your notice that my office has taken over all
the money transactions originated from all parts of African and European
countries for Contract payments, Fund inheritance, Funds due to unauthorized/incapability of financial institutions/security companies in releasing such huge sum of money due to frauds, terrorists and money Laundry activities going on worldwide.

We have received an authorization to pay you the initial sum of($25,000.000.00) Twenty Five million Dollars Only or equivalent of same in your country's acceptable currency, in the event that your money is more than the stipulated amount approved at the moment you can put in a fresh application indicating your balance.

Those with US$25,000,000.00 or less will receive full payment accordingly.
The World Bank Group (WBG) has mandated the African Development Bank
(ADBG)via my Office to release funds to beneficiaries through International Cashier's Bank Draft and direct transfer to your Bank account.

Fortunately, your name appears as one of the fund beneficiaries whom their fund was successfully cleared recently from Terrorist and Money laundry verification. Now, your money will be released to you through International Cashier Bank Draft that will be cashable from any International Bank in your country.

This is so in other to avoid paying excess charges in the course of getting your money.
In respect to this arrangement, you are advised to contact the telex director Mr.N. Moyo through his direct email address;([email protected]) or Tel: 234-8168632405) This is to enable him issue the International Cashier's bank

Draft or direct transfer with your complete and detailed particulars like name and your mailing address including telephone and fax numbers etc.Other details concerning this payment Would be made known to you upon receiving feedback from you.

Make your contact directly to Mr.N. Moyo preferably by Email as indicated above any time as we are presently working 24 Hours to meet with the mandate given by the World Bank. Please note that you are to send the following information that will help us to proceed on the release and transfer of your fund.


1 your full name and address:

2 your banking information where you will want the fund

transferred to:

3 copy of your identification:......

4 your occupation and age:

5.your direct phone/cell number:.....

Thank you.


Mr.N. Moyo (Chief Operating Officer).

End Scam Email

Daniel 8 :25

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