Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:30 pm
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May the Peace of Allah be with you,


I am Safia Farkash Al-Baraasi the second wife of the Libyan leader. We
came to know each other in 1971 when Gaddafi was admitted in a
hospital where I worked as a nurse. We got married the same year and
had six sons and one daughter.

As you may be aware that my husband is dead, my three family members
and I had moved to one of our hiding estate unknown to any body all
our documents have been ceased to prevent us from traveling.

Please, presently, I and my entire family have what I will called ?MY
FAMILY LAST OPTION" to the tune of £15.8million pounds (Fifteen
Million, Eight Hundred Thousand pounds) which i am ready to TRANSFER
to you with the hope that i can open an account in my son's name in
your country where his own fund will be deposited; this fund in
question is currently deposited with a certain bank in United
Kingdom, London. My husband and I deposited this fund on 5th September
2009 and the deposit was made in my name as the rightful owner of the

After a successful process and transfer of this said FUND into your
bank account, 30% of the total funds will go to you, while 70% shall
be for my son; as soon as the fund is credited into your account, you
collect your own share of 30% and keep the rest of 70% in your bank
account for my son and get me informed immediately so that i can open
an account in my son's name in your country where his own fund will be
deposited. You can find out some of the story on this web bellow:

http://www.deccanherald.com/content/144 ... rline.html

As soon as i receive your response, I shall give you the contact
information of the fund transfer manager in the bank so that the
necessary arrangement for the transfer can be started immediately; as
to also change the Fund Deposit Documents in your name as the current
true beneficiary of the deposited fund £15.8million pounds (Fifteen
Million, Eight Hundred Thousand pounds).

Kindly indicate your interest in assisting my family and furnish us
NUMBER via email: Email: [email protected]

Yours Sincerely,

Safia Farkash Al-Baraasi.

Email: [email protected]

Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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