Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:40 pm
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Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 22:40:44 +0800 (SGT)
From: Steven Morgan <[email protected]>
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To: undisclosed recipients: ;
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Content preview: Attn: My Dear, I am Mr. Steve Morgan, I am a US citizen, 48
years Old. I reside here in New Braunfels Texas. My residential address is
as follows. 108 Crockett Court. Apt 303, New Braunfels Texas, United States,
I am one of those that took part in the Compensation in Nigeria many years
ago and they refused to pay me, I had paid over $50,000 while in the US,
trying to get my payment all to no avail. [...]
Content analysis details: (12.0 points, 7.0 required)
pts rule name description
---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
0.0 T_LOTTO_DEPT BODY: Claims Department
3.6 NA_DOLLARS BODY: Talks about a million North American dollars
0.0 FREEMAIL_FROM Sender email is commonly abused enduser mail provider
-0.0 RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE RBL: Sender listed at http://www.dnswl.org/, no
[ listed in list.dnswl.org]
1.5 SUBJ_ALL_CAPS Subject is all capitals
1.2 FREEMAIL_REPLYTO_END_DIGIT Reply-To freemail username ends in digit
0.1 FREEMAIL_ENVFROM_END_DIGIT Envelope-from freemail username ends in
digit (stvemorgan01[at]yahoo.com.ph)
0.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message
0.8 BAYES_50 BODY: Bayes spam probability is 40 to 60%
[score: 0.5000]
0.0 LOTS_OF_MONEY Huge... sums of money
2.4 FREEMAIL_REPLYTO Reply-To/From or Reply-To/body contain different
0.0 ADVANCE_FEE_4_NEW Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
0.1 ADVANCE_FEE_5_NEW Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
0.8 ADVANCE_FEE_3_NEW Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
0.0 ADVANCE_FEE_4_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
0.0 ADVANCE_FEE_5_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
0.0 ADVANCE_FEE_3_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
1.0 ADVANCE_FEE_2_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
0.0 T_TO_NO_BRKTS_FREEMAIL To: misformatted and free email service
0.4 MONEY_FRAUD_5 Lots of money and many fraud phrases
0.0 MONEY_FRAUD_3 Lots of money and several fraud phrases
X-Spam-Flag: YES

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Attn: My Dear,

I am Mr. Steve Morgan, I am a US citizen, 48 years Old. I reside here in New Braunfels Texas. My residential address is as follows. 108 Crockett Court. Apt 303, New Braunfels Texas, United States, I am one of those that took part in the Compensation in Nigeria many years ago and they refused to pay me, I had paid over $50,000 while in the US, trying to get my payment all to no avail.

So I decided to travel to WASHINGTON D.C with all my compensation documents, and I was directed by the ( F B I) Director to contact Mr. Alfred Blatter, who is a representative of the ( F B I ) and a member of the COMPENSATION AWARD COMMITTEE, currently in Nigeria, and I contacted him and he explained everything to me. He said whoever is contacting us through emails are fake.

He took me to the paying bank for the claim of my Compensation payment. Right now I am the most happiest man on earth because I have received my compensation funds of $2.5 Million US Dollars Moreover, Mr. Alfred Blatter, showed me the full information of those that are yet to receive their payments and I saw your name as one of the beneficiaries, and your email address, that is why I decided to email you to stop dealing with those people, they are not with your fund, they are only making money out of you. I will advise you to contact Mr. Alfred Blatter.

You have to contact him directly on this information below.


Name: Mr. Alfred Blatter

Email: [email protected]

You really have to stop dealing with those people that are contacting you and telling you that your fund is with them, it is not in anyway with them, they are only taking advantage of you and they will dry you up until you have nothing.

The only money I paid after I met Mr. Alfred Blatter was just $469 for the paper works, take note of that.

Once again stop contacting those people, I will advise you to contact Mr. Alfred Blatter so that he can help you to deliver your fund instead of dealing with those liars that will be turning you around asking for different kind of money to complete your transaction.

Thank You and Be Blessed.

Mr. Steve Morgan

108 Crockett Court.

Apt 303, New Braunfels Texas,

United States of America

Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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