by PT2588
Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:23 pm
Just got this. This "lucrative" offer landed in my junk mail box today 11/14/2011. The website of the "company" named International Business Partnerships is pretty basic and amateurish. The life time membership fee is "just" $47.00. The rest follows:
We would like to know if you would be interested
in working from home in your spare time writing
short articles for us.
You will be paid up to $100.00 - $500.00 per hour
writing these articles and stories.
We will also pay you up to $25.00 - $50.00 per hour
for posing in blogs, and up to $5000 for each fiction
or non fiction story we ask you to write.
Press here if you are interested:
P.S: You don't have to posses any kind of technical
skills, salesmanship, or writing skills with this job
because you will get personal step by step training
with a personal success adviser to help you learn and
get started.
Work At Home Success,
Rachel Adams
My Data Team
Global Work-From-Home Jobs
Please accept my sincere apology if you receive this email eroneously.
To receive no more updates from me, please click Reply and put REMOVE
in the subject line. All removal request will be handled manually.
Just got this. This "lucrative" offer landed in my junk mail box today 11/14/2011. The website of the "company" named International Business Partnerships is pretty basic and amateurish. The life time membership fee is "just" $47.00. The rest follows:
We would like to know if you would be interested
in working from home in your spare time writing
short articles for us.
You will be paid up to $100.00 - $500.00 per hour
writing these articles and stories.
We will also pay you up to $25.00 - $50.00 per hour
for posing in blogs, and up to $5000 for each fiction
or non fiction story we ask you to write.
Press here if you are interested:
P.S: You don't have to posses any kind of technical
skills, salesmanship, or writing skills with this job
because you will get personal step by step training
with a personal success adviser to help you learn and
get started.
Work At Home Success,
Rachel Adams
My Data Team
Global Work-From-Home Jobs
Please accept my sincere apology if you receive this email eroneously.
To receive no more updates from me, please click Reply and put REMOVE
in the subject line. All removal request will be handled manually.