Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by youjo king Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:41 pm
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Best Regards!

My name is Mr. Benjamin Aburi. I am a banker here in Ghana. I got your contact from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Ministry of International Trade and Industry. I need your help to transfer USD$7,500,000.00 dollars.

The money is part of the profits from our bank last year (i.e. 2010). I have already submitted annual report for last year to my bank head quarters in Accra - Ghana, and they did not notice the excess profits. I deposited the USD$7,500,000.00 dollars in an escrow account without a beneficiary (Anonymous), to avoid any trace.

I cannot be directly connected to this money because I still work with the bank. So, I need your help to transfer this money to your country for me and you to share. I offer you 45% of this money as my foreign partner and 55% would be for me. There is no risk involved because it will be a bank-to-bank transfer. All I need from you is to stand as my foreign partner and owner of the money to enable you present a foreign bank account where the money will be transferred to.

If you accept this proposal, I am prepared to go into partnership with you. Please kindly reply to me for more information on how to proceed.

Mr. Benjamin Aburi.
Phone: +233-548-095-502.

ipTRACKERonline.com wrote:Header Analysis Quick Report<br>Originating IP:<br>Originating ISP: Ghana Telecom<br> City: Accra<br>Country of Origin: Ghana<br>* For a complete report on this email header goto ipTRACKERonline

Any person who by any false pretence, and with intent to defraud, obtains from any other person anything capable of being stolen, or induces any other person to deliver to any person anything capable of being stolen, is guilty of a felony.

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